Small stream, nice trout



Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
Today I went to a stream I've always enjoyed. I ended up finding the nicest trout I've ever caught from this little water. The first fish I caught was a brown maybe 2 inches long . The second fish was in the 17" range I'm estimating and chunky, definitely a "pool boss," so to speak, that are often discussed here. I've caught lots trout way bigger but they are always from bigger waters. On a stream like I was fishing today I'm always happy with my bigger fish being 12" or so. I set the hook and immediately felt pressure and knew it was a nice fish, but then it really started to pull me hard into undercut rock. Thankfully my tippet and knot held firm and I was able to marvel at this beauty for a few quick seconds before releasing. I'm no photographer and I always prioritize getting the fish released ASAP, so my pics are generally sub par. Either way, experiences like this are just so wonderful.. Things go perfectly and you're left marveling at the beautiful world around us.

I also slammed a few other smaller trout, found cold water, a beautiful day, and ample happiness. I hope you enjoy some mediocre photographs.


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Great catches. Got out onto a nice cold stream today as well. I found myself holding a 2” baby brown, practically see through, such pretty colors tho. I ended up hooking up into a very big fish like yours and he shook my hook, even under tension.

Just got my first 3wt… still getting used to it :/ probably would’ve been a pb. Glad to see you landed yours.

Ps. Almost looks like we could’ve been on the same water.


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Guys, pretty fish and beautiful scenery.
Absolutely stunning fish and scenery, everything that an awesome outing holds..
Cool! Gonna see if I can't have a day like that this weekend.
My local creek seems to have the same flow and size pools, but they are full of sediment and mud. Defiantly looks like the smaller streams out west more than most in pa. That's a very nice fish for that sized creek, must have been in there for a while.
My local creek seems to have the same flow and size pools, but they are full of sediment and mud. Defiantly looks like the smaller streams out west more than most in pa. That's a very nice fish for that sized creek, must have been in there for a while.
Well it's been in there since it hatched out in the stream. I'm guessing 4-5 years for a trout to attain that size in this stream. I would assume this fish will die of natural causes in the relatively near future, maybe within a year, two years max. All speculation.
Well it's been in there since it hatched out in the stream. I'm guessing 4-5 years for a trout to attain that size in this stream. I would assume this fish will die of natural causes in the relatively near future, maybe within a year, two years max. All speculation.
Mine has a 20" wild brown and a 24-26" wild brown. Both fish have been there for the years I've fished it. never caught the big one yet but it has a massive kype jaw so probably around 6 or 7. the smaller 20" was probably around 4 to 5 years old. I doubt either will live much longer unless they find a new hole, they ate everything under eight inches and are skinny. The jaw looks like that but the whole trout is a bright yellow/oragne color.