Small stream brookie tecniques/tatics



Active member
Sep 12, 2006
Looking for suggestions on books for small stream fishing that includes tactics/techniques, etc. I've found reasonable success with it, but I'm better fishing larger waters and would like to get more knowledge on this kind of fishing.

Thanks in advance! :cool:
Great site to read:

My advise, fish a lot of brookie streams. You'l not catch many at first, but after a year or two you'll get the hang of it.
Joe Humphreys's Trout Tactics expanded edition has a chapter and is on sale. The rest of the book is very much worth your time as well.

He also has a video that is relevant though I have not seen it.

A Casting Approach to Dry Fly Tactics in Tight Brush
DGC , Trout Tactics is one of the best on this type of fishing , good call , although i think alot of the info in that book came from the mind of George Harvey. A good read on brook trout although not as technical is James Prosec.
I second DGC. The video is very good, and better than the book IMO. The book does give a better source for leader formulas and such.

The newest video, "The Dry Fly and the Topwater game" also has a piece on this type of fishing, and is his best video overall IMO. A piece of it can be found in the last video on this page.

Though if you're only interest is wild brookies, I'd go with the tight brush video, it is more complete....
I wouldn't buy Humphreys's book or video, since he sold out to the Spring Ridge Club (I'm not to call it the evil empire here since that term offended someone). Humphreys does not deserve the support of anglers who rely on public access when he is lending his support to the organization that is taking water that is open to public access and closing it. I feel the same way about the Becks.
I'm not sure I understand your comment about the Becks. Can you expand on it?

salmo wrote:
I'm not sure I understand your comment about the Becks. Can you expand on it?


Look at the photo in the in the right hand margin:
Oh, Okay!

The most recent update to that SRC site is dated 2007. That should say something.
On SRC, a topic in which I've never really paid much attention coming too late to the site to really get involved...

On this URL, there's a few paragraphs that really make me pause. Specifically, teh first four, the story of Donny's youth, I guess.

Its very interesting to see him basically referring to the 2000 acres of his family as their private fiefdom, and then essentially stating control over an additional 15K neighbouring acres due to the fact that no one else had the money to buy a 4x4 to access it, ending in the, self-stated, "bitter" statement that the government robbed him of his land to create a lake for all to use.

What an insight to the person that is Donny Beaver. How it seems that this whole thing stems from him having his toys taken away when he was a young man.

Anyways, this isn't the place for this debate, I guess, although "debates" seem to spring up all over this board sometimes. I'd just gone to the site looking for information regarding Joe Humphreys and SRC, and I found that an interesting little read.
gfen wrote:
On SRC, a topic in which I've never really paid much attention coming too late to the site to really get involved...

On this URL, there's a few paragraphs that really make me pause. Specifically, teh first four, the story of Donny's youth, I guess.

Its very interesting to see him basically referring to the 2000 acres of his family as their private fiefdom, and then essentially stating control over an additional 15K neighbouring acres due to the fact that no one else had the money to buy a 4x4 to access it, ending in the, self-stated, "bitter" statement that the government robbed him of his land to create a lake for all to use.

What an insight to the person that is Donny Beaver. How it seems that this whole thing stems from him having his toys taken away when he was a young man.

Anyways, this isn't the place for this debate, I guess, although "debates" seem to spring up all over this board sometimes. I'd just gone to the site looking for information regarding Joe Humphreys and SRC, and I found that an interesting little read.

First I'll admit I know very little about SRC and the "Beav". But reading from the link above. It appears he came from a wealthy land owning family and when starting out he ment well.

From the posts on this site I think he went astray somewhere.

Preserving land is a good thing. Charging folks to use it is a business.
It's all in how he markets it. He has set out to build an exceedingly expensive exclusive fishing club. He has been buying up streams left and right to do it.

It has never been about conservation.
I'm on Jay's side, although after reading his reasoning, I don't think it has anything to do with money, either, but its all because he wants his own personal fiefdom back.

Reading that article left a very sour taste in my mouth on what is already an uncomfortable topic.
If he's the "Beave" then Joe is "Eddie Haskell"
His conservation angle is a ruse, it's just PR. He has a business and is successful at it. He buys land and charges large amounts of money to access it.

If it were about conservation, he wouldn't ruin excellent wild trout fisheries by stocking them heavily and loading the stream with nitrates by feeding them pellets in the stream. If it were about conservation, there wouldn't even be a thought of making housing developments for "elegant country living."

The story of the land being taken away is development. He could have bought the land and donated it to a conservency, or just enacted a conservation easement, preventing development and ensuring public access and he'd have been a hero.
Judge Stuart Kurtz's decision a few years ago set this operation back a bit.

Haven't checked if they appealed it or what's going on there recently.

Anyone have an update for us???
beaver chose not to appeal Judeg Kurtz's ruling. Pretty much, as long as you keep your feet wet, you can fish the LJR past the Espy property.
beaver has continued to be busy, buying and leasing other properties in the state. He has gotten ahold of quite a few properties that were formerly open to public access but that now are closed for the use of his clients and minions. I think it is sad that such a character has intruded on fly-fishing and trout fishing in general to the detriment of many who love the sport. His stocking of pellet-fed fish in waters that are declared wild trout waters is especially damning. Below is, perhaps, the proper end for one of his fish in a wild trout stream, though I guess it's not the rainbow's fault it is a pellet-fed, man-made fish.


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Dave Hughes and John Gierach both have books on the subject.
That is the ugliest raibow trout I've ever seen next to a fly rod. Knock it on the head and put it out of it's misery. I notice it isn't looking down, like it's on it's about to give in.