Slow as molasses in... well, right now.



Active member
Jan 2, 2007
After a long time of nice, efficient running, the site seems to be super laggy again. Any idea on the reasons? I still would be in favor of shipping a donation (and I'm sure many others would as well) for a new host... or server if ya do it yourself, dave. Perhaps some hats at a mark up as a fund raiser too?

Just an idea.
I don't know the reason, but about once a week it seems realy slow.
I usually log off and come back later that day or the next day; eventhough it's hard to stay away.
Well, it could be from all the hijacted post, post off topic, and the pictures. :-o :-D :lol: :p
I have to agree, the site response is getting pretty slow. Almost like being back on dial up modem. I bet it's worse for those guys. This is the only site where I seem to be having the slow response which tends to lean to the server or bandwidth for the server.
Yes. it's really been slow for me also.
Would it be better to get on late at night or early morning perhaps?
This is just about the only site that's like that for me, although the site seems to have slowed down somewhat also.
I'll second the idea of PA flyfish hats for a fund raiser
"Would it be better to get on late at night or early morning perhaps?"

Yes, the issues with speed are apparently due to demand. I see a big difference before 9AM and after 5PM

I'm usually on site after 10:00 pm, it's still pretty slow. There's been a big change in speed in the last two weeks, and forum activity hasn't seem to have increased that much? just trying to help.

Hmmm... Perception is a strange thing. All I can say is, that right now, I'm poppin' around nicely.
Padraic wrote:
Hmmm... Perception is a strange thing. All I can say is, that right now, I'm poppin' around nicely.

Me too....although recently I had been getting time outs and disgusted with the sluggishness.

Maybe our priority on the server was changed or sumptin'
I've never gotten timeouts. But there are times when the screen changes are noticeably longer than at other times.
I too have gotten a few timeouts. It's rare though.

The site is working fine today. It seems to be off and on.
Goin' good today.
Just like a stuck rod, if you wait a day or two things work themselves out.

I only ever get the "time outs" if I edit a message I just wrote.
It does seem good right now, but I remember getting frustrated with the slow speed over this past weekend.
Seems good now for me also.

I have not seen the issue at all. I was on the site three different times during the day and did not any difference. Lets keep watching to see if there is any times or general pattern. I was doing some site at 1:00 and the can suck up some cycles and it was going just fine.

I'll look more closely. Thanks for the feedback!!

The site has been up and down speed wise. Another forum that I am on had same issues. The administrator said our server was shared by another site that had lots of download activity, which affected us. They changed servers, and the service has been very zippy.

I second Jay, if we could all send in some cash to get a zippier server I think most of us would be in favor.
I'll see what i can do. Again, can I get some details when this happening and how long so I can speak with my hosting company.

Thanks for the help.


I haven't had a problem since last week. Everything is pretty smooth at the moment. I'm on usually after 10:00 PM on weekdays and off and on during the weekend.

I have had no problems at all this week.
Me either.
I'm not going to complain though.
A. I love this site and visit it more than any other, and don't care how long it takes to load.
B. The speed thing is a lot better now than in the past. I think this problem use to happen when ever a lot of people were on. I called them the hot times and tried not to visit during those times (@10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.).