Slate Run tips



New member
Jul 14, 2015
Hey boys, heading to Slate Run next weekend oct. 1 was looking for a little help on what the fall fishing is like there. It’ll be my first time going with some of the boys for a little trip, we do it once a year and typically stay at my cabin in the north east. I’ll be bringing a few rods, 2wt, 3wt and 2 5wt. Fwf line on all of them, any help on fly patterns and leaders would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
There is precious little in the way of water in streams up that way, so unless we get a multi-day soaker before you go, selection of rods, flies, and leaders probably won't be the determining factor in catching fish. My advice would be to fish it at night when the gin clear and low water won't put you at as much of a disadvantage. Because of water temps and low water, that's when the majority of the fishing I did in July, August and September of this year occurred. If night fishing isn't feasible or your thing, then maybe try hitting the stream around dawn or dusk, with some terrestrials. About the only thing you'll have going for you is at least the temperatures have cooled off.

Read this recent thread for more water details.
Without substantial rain you better make sure you bring plenty of adult beverages, because that's all there will be to do. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
The streams are extremely low. I wouldn't even take fishing gear along when it's this low.

But with this kind of weather, it's very enjoyable to just go for walks in Penns Woods. It's not too hot, not too cold, just perfect.

If you have bicycles, take them along and enjoy the bike trail.
I've cancelled my Northern fishing trip for this fall. After seeing the streams last month, it's just stupid to fish them. Some of them have almost no water. NONE!!! I'm thinking of heading south, WV maybe, if the streams are willing.
As of now, just stupid to fish northern PA streams.
Wait until the area gets a good shot of rain or your wasting time and money. When you do go get on stream early because if your fishes by behind someone you will be fishing over spooked fish. This time of the year I like a #12 slate drake pattern or a rusty Spinner. Don’t walk into the pools without fished by the tail outs of pools. That’s usually where the trout are during the fall.
Going south is good advice. Changed my two NCPA trips to VA. I spent last week fishing around Harrisonburg. Water levels were great and fish were cooperative.
there are no fish, its terrible up here. no water, no fish, no hatches
Did a little motorcycle ride up through Potter today, streams are lowest I've ever seen. Everyone I crossed was just sad. You know the water is low when the stream habitat structures are ABOVE the water level!!!
Why do I know that someone fishing for info with one post, will go up there and go fishing, regardless of all of the advice to the contrary from folks in the know.... :-?
Bamboozle wrote:
Why do I know that someone fishing for info with one post, will go up there and go fishing, regardless of all of the advice to the contrary from folks in the know.... :-?

^I’d say there’s a lot of assumption there.

Nonetheless, despite the advice of others, sometimes you have to learn for yourself. A trip up there right now strictly to go fishing is a waste of gas. Fishing (or attempting to fish) in those conditions just isn’t fun. Once you’ve done it once or twice, deliberately or by accident, you’ll know to check conditions before making the drive. But any trip to the northern tier otherwise, is hardly a waste. Plenty fun to do up there that isn’t fishing.