Skukie poopie



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
FYI. Not real good for the Skuke or those that drink the water.
I know the guys doing the repair work. It's a site contractor who does quite a bit of work me. I know the river is running high but that is an awful amount of sewage dumped into it. It's been leaking since Sat/Sun so do the math. Hope the river stays high until it's fixed.
I thought it was pretty common knowledge that after any significant rain event water treatment plants discharged raw sewage directly into the skuke. If they didn't the plants would literally explode from the water pressure. While it's not exactly ideal I don't think this is really that big of a deal, considering what the skuke has dealt with in the past.
Best comment, "eww this is just gross ppl swim in that an the homeless fish there for food."
Vestal NY dumps a considerable amount of waste into the Suskie in the Binghamton area. Then it makes its way down into good ol' PA. It's easier for the Vestal sewer plant to pay the monthly fines from the NYS DEC than to make the millions of dollars in upgrades. This kinda thing is quite common.
jjsjigs wrote:
It's easier for the Vestal sewer plant to pay the monthly fines from the NYS DEC than to make the millions of dollars in upgrades. This kinda thing is quite common.

That's just sickening (literally and figuratively). It seems like the fines are too low.
I just heard from my contractor that the 42" sewer pipe is broken again and there trying to fix it again. Not sure how bad it's leaking.
no wonder the fishing in the skuke down this way has taken a nosedive the last few years
The first time this happened last year over 20 million gallons of raw sewage was diverted into the river. The EPA fined the City of Reading a whopping $5,000! Why would they want to spend the money to permanently fix this problem if they can just put band aids on the problem and pay these small fines? Meanwhile millions of gallons of poopie continues to flow in to the Skukie.
Problem is that Reading is bankrupt and couldn't raise a $15 million bond for this if they tried.
They built a sewerage plant on an island in a river known for flooding, how stupid is that?
Chaz wrote:
They built a sewerage plant on an island in a river known for flooding, how stupid is that?

Did ya miss the part where it says Reading? LOL.