Skeeter fly?



New member
Feb 6, 2009
I don't know what you call this fly. They are found on Streams and lakes. I've seen them at sprink creek. They seem to be black or brown with large legs and they skirt across the top of the water. Is there a specific name for these and do the trout eat them? Does anyone have a pattern?

thanks again....
That's a cranefly.

Look in the prior years swaps info for Chaz's cranefly pattern - it's a winner.
Sounds like a cranefly to me and they definatley get the trouts attention (watch the trout chase them on clarks creek) Poul Jorgenson's books should have a pattern or two in them. They do look like a big skeeter but thank god, i don't think they bite.
After seeing the replys to my post, I realized I did not make myself clear. After some more research on the web I found out the real name for this fly is a waterstrider. They stay on top of the water and with their large legs skim across the top of the water. Nick name is a Jesus bug because they seem to walk on water. Sorry for the confusion.... does anyone have any info or pattern?

I've hear that fish don't bother with striders much. Not sure why...but I have seen patterns for them as well as boat oarsmen and a couple other water bugs I've never seen a trout eat.
I've never seen the trout bother water striders either but in Joe Humphries"Trout Tactics" he says they love em...............i did find one in my youth in the stomach of a stockie once. I've sat and watched them swim right over trout without a look. One thing they do that bugs me is they seem to alert the pool , with their movement , that something is coming, they seem to be able to either see or detect us coming long before the fish do.
I remember someone saying before that the trout HATE those. apparently hard as a rock, or taste horrible or both, don't remember. I've never seen a trout take one... and saying that a fresh stockie has one in its stomach doesn't quite merrit proof that trout eat them lol. I've seen them hit cigarette butts :-D
Yeah, I've heard trout hate 'em too. I think they are supposed to be hard as pebbles and foul tasting as well.

Crane flies on the other hand... Get yerself some o' dem, friend! Not saying they are magic, but when the trout are on them, they really nail 'em.
anyone have a recipe or pic for a crane fly?
A traditional mayfly with huge hackle works fine. There are tons of more complicated recipes too. I bought some of these.
Don't forget the skater pattern in barred ginger.