Size matters?



New member
Mar 3, 2012
I am trying to get a fly order together and am wondering how many sizes of the same fly I will need.
Is there really a need to carry various sizes of the same fly? Is there a general size that works best?
It depends on what kind of fly.

For drys:
Most mayflys are usually imitated with one or two sizes.
However some - notably sulphers and BWO's - come in many sizes.
I tie sulphers in from #12 on down to #20.
And BWO's from #14 on down to #22.
Caddis are generally a #16. However the brachycentrus (grannoms) are a larger #14
This is a broad question and hard to answer as some flies you will want in different sizes. However, if you're new to fly fishing and getting your first order of flies together, I would focus more on different patterns rather than sizes. For those that you may want different sizes - for example a black ant in #20 and #16 - you should probably stick to just two sizes.
Yeah dfg's can get kind of specific. Let us know what kind of fishing you're looking to do (I assume it's trout), and on what kind of streams (large/small/freestone/limestone), and what flies you're looking in to getting. We'll be able to give ya a much more accurate answer.
I get a chance to peek into noobies fly boxes quite often, and most times I see various patterns, but mostly all in one size (usually rather large).

In general, would rather fish out of a box with flies in various sizes, colors and shapes. Small to large - dark/dull/natural to light/bright/shiny - upright wing dries(for mayflies) and down wing ones (for caddis and stoneflies).

With specific hatches, think size first, form next (upright/down-wing), and color last (light or dark rather than exact color).

Try an Adams dry for all darker mayflies in size 10-20

Use a sulpher or cahill pattern in 12-18 for all light colored Mayflies

Get a tan Caddis pattern for light colors and a dark gray or green for darker ones, both in size 12 -18 to imitate caddis and stones.

Do the same for nymphs - small to big, light to dark, and add in some bright and shiny ones.

If your buy or tie flies as recommended above, you should find a suitable imitation to fool some fish.