Site change?



Well-known member
Aug 6, 2013
Did something change with the site recently?

The forum index and subforum indexes look the same. When viewing a thread the avatars are no longer visible, the username is aligned with the text, the prompt buttons (reply, etc) are aligned left. There is a pdf symbol (link) in the blue bar that separates the post. I thought maybe it was a mobile version?

It could be my computer. I'm running Firefox.
Sounds like your settings were changed accidentally or by a software change.
I have no idea how to correct that, Jack. I tried to look it up in the user profile but couldn't find anything.

I first noticed it when directed to this site from a search on landing net composition and fish mortality. I thought that maybe it was an archived post or something.
If not in your profile, how about the "View Mode" setting that appears as a drop-box when viewing a thread?

"Compact View" looks like what you describe. I choose "Flat."
You got it, Jack, that fixed it.

Thanks for the help.
Glad to be of assistance.