Sinking tip fly line



Well-known member
Oct 1, 2019
Central Pa
So I need a little advice and feel I can get some good advice here.
I am looking for a 5wt sinking tip fly line. I am planning to use it primarily to fish streamers during the winter and spring. There are so many on the market that I’m looking to get advice from those folks that are using them.
Also, I do fish wet flies but have always used a floating line. Would a sinking tip also be better for wets. Thanks in advance!
I fish streamers (and everything) with a floating line.

For most trout fishing in PA, I think that works fine.

If the streamer is heavily weighted, like with barbell eyes or a conehead, it will sink.

This way you don't have to carry extra spools with lines on them, switch them out, and all that, to change up between streamers, nymphs, wets and dries.

I use the same line for all of them. And the same leader, just making adjustments to tippet at the end.
I got some Hi Vis Nymph furled leaders from Cutthroat Leader Co,. I have not used them yet but from what I read it should work. I planning on using fluorocarbon tippet.
Well, you have several options.

If you are fishing small to mid sized waters with moderate depth (maybe 3' - 4' max) fish weighted flies, sink tip will be less useful. If you have not cast one, you may want to before buying one. It's totally different than floating line.

If you fish bigger, deeper or Swift water, a sink tip may be beneficial. A lot of times, the sinking line is used to keep an unweighted streamer at a specific depth. Tippet diameter also impacts the sink rate of the fly or what depth it will run at.

I believe SA and Airflo make sink tips that the users may cut to fit their specific needs. You will also find a variety of sink tip tapers. Some are designed to turnover mammoth streamers and some are more moderate in taper for a little more delicate presentation / smaller streamers.

For starters and so you don't have to lug a spare spool around, you may want to consider a versi-leader or poly-leader. It's connected to the floating line by a loop to loop method so it's simple to add or remove. 5' - 7' models come in neutral, slow sinking, fast sinking, extra fast and super fast sink models. They are around $12 - $15 each. Grabbing a slow and fast sink will turn your current floating line into 2 different sink tip lines for $30! Be aware there is some hinge effect where the 2 lines meet when casting.
Well guys, now I know why I asked the forum members. A few replies but I got a good bit of information from those replies.
I’ve decided not to go with a sinking tip fly line. I now don’t feel like I need it. I will continue with my current floating line and am looking into possibly trying a poly leader.
Thank you guys for some good advice! You saved me some $ and possibly some aggravation.
If you go with a poly-leader, you can run 2-3'of flouro 2x off of it and be done. No need for long leaders or extravagant rigs. Make sure you have some of the poly-leader out of the water before you go to cast until you get used to it. That may keep you from having to pull a streamer out of your forehead LoL
I've used Teeny Sink Tip Lines for years. You"ll get lots of opinions and will need to figure out what works for you. That's the nice part of fly fishing there are no rules. GG
Johnny the fox, meets jimmy the weed, thin lizzy! You gave up too soon son! Without the old southern yell! lets have a couple, st10s, fast sinking, rocket taper. st8s, shooting taper, sink tip, fast sinking, type 3 and type 2. 300 gains.

Forget about it, no one has figured it out and no one will. I have studied the results with AWE! Not the line in question, what you add as leader and what stick you carry!

5 wt. I would say, no deal to these lines, I would stay with, mindset, "how ya doing, I got 2".

A lifetime can be spent on lines and rods, I have seen those fellows, they have money and young women! Yep, true!

Just remember, the deeper the line, the shorter the leader!

Son , you caved too quick! It is what you are after, a meal or one for the wall!

And the wall. isn't it good enough to tell the story, to all the misbelievers, than show it and remove "all doubts".

You know , I am building up to, what I always say! I love Pa.. Fish Commission is great! I got bunches of pals, I want to see more women fishing this year! Well, I guess I want it all! When will you climb aboard!.

i am sure ,sink tip, full sinking, you would enjoy! But, --------M ---------r, you would enjoy a trout too!


Cool hand Luke, meat free hamburgers and hot air balloon rides on a magic carpet called PA.

Boys and girls, seniors and middle aged, speckled trout in abundance hiding under the overhanging mountain laurel.

Sink tips be damned, unnecessary except when needed but they are never needed but are occasionally needed, never useful but I still love PA.

Wilderness, urban sprawl, all part of the program but still encroaching on the unencroachable. Passion, love, desire which are all part of krayfish and the message I bring. I put my riddles and circular talk in the form of a square to help some and confuse the masses.

Honesty, WTF are you talking about 12? LoL