Sink Tips or Sinking Line?



Sep 9, 2006
I don't have much big water in which to swing big streamers around here, but I'm thinking rigging up a rod for streamer swinging, as I've got rods and reels laying around that I'm not using.

I'm trying to decide between sinking leaders, sinking tips, or a full sinking line.

I have some sinking leaders that I've used before, that I didn't really care for.

I also have some T8, T11, etc sinking line that I've used to make tips for swinging flies on my spey rod. I could make sink tips to attach to floating line with this.

Alternatively, I could buy a new, sinking line.

Which setup do those of you who do this sort of fishing often use?


I bought a wet tip line on clearance, and I think I've forced myself to use it a handful of times.

Pointless and annoying.

Those sinking poly leaders, on the other hand? Just as effective, far easier, cheaper.
Im a fan of the RIO streamer line in 200grain DC. Check it out.
Mr.GFen if you are referring to Buck and Doe cricks in Chester co.-agreed.
In serious water I can tell you from a great deal of experience that floating lines,split shot and weighted flies are not the way to go.
I really staggered myself several times by hitting myself in the back of the head with split shot-you won't believe how much that hurts-lol.
Never had much use for the sinking tips but sinking heads on medium water worked nicely with streamers.
Big water I liked shooting heads and mono running line used with double haul.
With the sinking heads or shooting heads you can get away with 4 or 5 foot leaders.
It depends on how you will be fishing. Wading or fishing from a boat? Full sill sinking lines can be a PITA when wading. Unless you have a stripping basket. Do to the fact that the whole lines sinks, it will sink around your legs and often it will wrap or get snagged on stream debris/rocks when stripping. On a boat, no problems. I'm not saying it can't be done, I use a full sinking. Just be aware that it can cause more work for you keeping the line clear.

sinking heads != sinking tips?

I have a RIO tip system for my saltwater rod. Fairly pleased with it.

I don't need the floating and intermediate lines for a trout streamer setup, as the rod would only be used for streamers ... so maybe whip looping some of the T8 and T11 I have any making some tips is the way to go.

A sinking head is something different?

As mentioned, I have the sinking poly leaders but felt like the sink and swing wasn't performing the way a 3-7 foot tip of sinking line would. I suppose for the most part those poly leaders are just sinking line tips, but they just didn't seem heavy enough to bring the floating line down as quickly as it needs to. Maybe it was me.

I mean, I know I'm not trying to sink a skagit head (thus probably making the T11 overkill), but it seemed to not get down that fast. I'll give it another try.
A sinking head is something different?
Yes-the sinking head is the full tapered portion of a weight forward fly line-sinking tip is only a portion of that-I forget how much.