Sink tip question



New member
Oct 26, 2016
Been fishing in some lakes from a kayak with a conehead wooly bugger variation but I would like to get the fly down quicker and deeper. Would a sink tip leader solve this? Thanks
timbo15 wrote:
Been fishing in some lakes from a kayak with a conehead wooly bugger variation but I would like to get the fly down quicker and deeper. Would a sink tip leader solve this? Thanks
Quicker yes if your leader is shorter about 3-4 feet long . But how deep are you looking to go ?
if you're trying to get below 10 feet or so, you want a sinking line, not just a weighted fly or leader. And in my experience, I don't want a fast sinking line in stillwater, unless I'm trolling or casting and retrieving a fixed length of line in fairly deep water, like a 60' cast that I want to ride at a 15'-25' depth.

For getting to 8'-20' in stillwater or slow currents, I like intermediate (slow) sinking lines. They help keep the line tight and the retrieve manageable, and the action of the fly is more natural. Fast sinking lines tend to fall to the bottom and belly down off of the rod tip, unless you're using them to cope with strong current.

For targeting depths of 5'-10' in lakes, I like a sink-tip line. But I usually need to trim the tip so it doesn't belly. For example, a line with a 5'-8' sink tip and a 4' leader can often be used very effectively in water around 6', especially with a deer hair fly like a sculpin or dahlberg diiver. The sink tip gets the fly down to the right depth without line slack or klunky weight, and the natural tendency of hair flies to float keeps them riding just above the bottom structure. treating the flies with floatant often helps.

Sink tip leaders are supposed to convert floating lines to sink tip lines, of course. But you need to match them carefully with your line, because if they're too heavy they cast worse than split shot. And the ones I've used always hinge to some extent, which is not great.
I have tried just about everything and I love my Scientific Anglers Streamer Express line. It comes in several grain weights to match the weight of your rod. I have a 450 or 475 grain line on an 11 wt. rod for lake fishing and throwing heavy musky flies. Check their website or any dealers page and you will see what works for your rod.

I use Rio sink tips in 5 or 10 feet lengths and grain designations of t-11 or t-14 for my 7 wt rod, but as was stated it is a fine balancing act to get it to work right with your floating or intermediate lines. These are tips that connect loop to loop to the end of the fly line. Try a 5' one first and see if it works out for you. 10' ones are tougher to cast. Shorten the leader too. 4-6' is good enough. Any longer and casting is a problem.

Look on Ebay. There is a guy that makes his own Rio tips and sells them at a decent price. Good quality too. I have landed heavy steelhead with them.

Ebay - Rio sink tips
I'm throwing a full sink on my 6 wt down to 25' and a 15' heavy sinktip on my 8 wt. to get down fast. going to leadcore heads this week as the fish are holding in 20-35 ft. deep.
I made a couple lead core heads when I lived in idaho. Different lengths, wrapped loops on the ends. Worked better thàni expected. Also found if I forget me second spool when I'm the tube, I can even get down fairly deep by putting one on the end of the floating line.