Simple questions re: DT vs WF lines.



Active member
Apr 8, 2007
Assuming weight and length of line are the same, which takes up more space on the spool, a DT or a WF line?

I was under the impression DT took up less space, but it appears I'm drastically wrong, and that a DT line is about the same space as a WF line one weight up? IE, a 5DT is fills a reel to the same approximate amount that a 6WF does?
We report, you decide...


  • dtlines1.jpg
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There it is, a picture is infact worth a thousand words.

Never thought to just look up tapers like that.
Now the funny thing is , and I'm not sure how its supposed to work....But when I buy a line I have to get a 6DT or a 5WF for it to feel right on my 5wt rod.
I also overline with DT lines.
Depends on how far you're casting... Out to the 28'4" listed, they should cast exactly the same, they are afterall, the same line to that point with a minor difference in front taper.

After the rear taper begins in a WF, it becomes easier to cast and shoot because its turning over more weight.

I don't know the lenghts involved in triangle taper, but its supposed to be even easier still because its always tapered to have more weight turning over the line. Not sure if TT has a short rear taper, though, to running line or what. I suppose I could spend a minute looking that up, but I'm lazy.

The more I type, the more obvious it is that a DT takes up significantly more space than a WF. WHy'd I ask this stupid question again? Oh, wait. I'm lazy.

Edit: Being non-lazy..
Of the many innovations that Lee Wulff has contributed to fly fishing, the Triangle Taper fly line is perhaps the most popular. Winner of the coveted Kudo award, the Triangle Taper offers the greatest delicacy of any fly line. The Triangle Taper is a continuous forward taper in the head of the line, the first 27 to 40 feet, depending on the application. This provides the most efficient transfer of casting energy as it unrolls because the heavier line is constantly turning over lighter line. This design also gives you a more delicate presentation because the weight is away from the fly. It is also the finest roll casting line for up to 60' casts. The combination of a long weighted section and a light running line make the Triangle Taper cast like a shooting head for distance.
