Showdown at the FD farm.



Well-known member
Dec 13, 2006
All the gun talk, and talk about confrontations convinced me to tell you guys this story. It isn’t fishing but it was pretty cool IMO, and it happened just this past Saturday.

Before I start, keep in mind that in Ohio, one must have WRITTEN permission to hunt on someone else’s private land. Well, On Saturday I caught some people hunting on my land without written permission.

I had to get up early to take care of a job that is better to do before daylight. I set the alarm for 6:00. I woke to find several vehicles driving around in one of my fields. I suppose most people would simply call the sheriffs department or the police, but that is not me. Besides, I lease out the fields, and they have been known to do some farming very early and very late. also, I had given 1 person permission to hunt geese that morning, but he wasn't sure if he would make it or not. Calling the heat on either of them would not be cool. Therefore, I figured I better just check it out first. So, I hopped on the UTV and drove down there. I did not bring a gun. This was a conscious decision on my part. No need to force a confrontation, especially since I was severely outnumbered. Much to my surprise, there were at least three vehicles, two with utility trailers, and they also had big spotlights setup. One of the guys walked to meet me before I came to the crowd of people and it was a crowd. There were 8 or 10 people down there. The guy who approached me was a clean cut gray haired gentleman, so I slowed down early and stopped short and waited for him to approach me (to not appear too aggressive). I stayed seated (again, less aggressive) and asked in a firm, but calm voice, “what are you guys doing down here?” The guy replied “Is this John S’s property? To which I replied “no”. John owns the property adjacent to mine. I had heard many excuses, so i wasn't buying anything right away and wanted to hear an explanation. Then he introduced himself and proceeded to tell me what was going on. He was an ODNR game officer, and he was there with Mossy Oak to film a hunting video. They had brought a 12 year old girl and her father to film the girl’s first goose hunt. He had been watching this field and noticed all the geese, and got written permission from John to hunt. With all the lights, I figured he was telling the truth, and I surmised and explained to him that he was simply in the wrong oat field. John’s oat field was on the right side of his corn, and my oat field was on the left. They even entered my property from John’s property. Well, this gentleman asked if it was OK to do the hunt here (which was more secluded and clearly the better field for geese). So I said Hell NO, and instructed him to wait here because the Sherriff was on the way! OK you guys know me better than that. Of course I gave him permission. I thought it was pretty cool. But right after I gave him permission, another gentleman walked up and interrupted us and said to me “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?” I was briefly stunned by that. not cool! But the game officer immediately spoke up and told him I was the landowner before I could respond. So, I calmly finished what I as saying to the game officer, before addressing this new "problem". You know I couldn’t let that slide. I wasn’t offended, but it wasn't very cool. Nobody should talk that way to strangers when you are on someone elses land. Heck, it was my land and i didn't talk that way. The game officer didn't even talk to me that way. So, figured I would have a little fun with it. I turned to this guy, and asked “did I hear you right??? ... did you just ask, who the HELL am I? He responded “yes.” I said, I’m the guy who just gave you permission to be here! He must have apologized 6 times. And I told him don’t worry about it after the first apology. It was an honest mistake and I have a sense of humor. Anyway, I told them to have fun and I left. I'm thinking someone got an arse chewing after i left. :-D

After daylight arrived, I had a live show with my breakfast. It was cool watching the hunt from my deck while sipping coffee. My house is on a hill. The geese would come from the east (behind me), fly past the house, and I would watch them call the birds in, pop from their ground blinds and all hell would break lose.

After they finished up, I went down to BS a little more. They noticed that the pattern on my UTV was Mossy Oak, and they asked how I liked it, and we BS’ed about that for awhile too.

To end this story, they had a great time, shot lots of geese, and I also had a great time watching them from a distance. I could have hunted with them, but decided just to watch from a distance. They asked me to be in the group photo, but I declined. But I did get a couple hats and a shirt. I'm thinking I have a get out of jail free card for awhile, too. :-D And they promised me a CD of the hunt. It might also be put on TV in a month or so. I subscribed to the Outdoor channel, just in case and i will be keeping my eye out for it.

Did I ever mention that I love this place (even though it is in Ohio).
Great story. That's a lot more fun than watching the Browns play.
Dear Farmer Dave,

Ain't you glad you didn't take a gun?

If you had the next thing you know it would have been like Patrick Swayze in "Next of Kin." You would have had to call all your ANF hillbilly buddies and family to help you in a shootin' war! :-D

Seriously, that is a neat story that obviously worked out well for everybody involved. If you get a head's up about when the video is going to show please let everybody here know, I'm sure we would like to watch it.

Tim Murphy :)
Interesting story. "Who the hell are you?" I love it.
Very good story indeed. I love how you played the guy who pulled the attitude with you :lol:

Awesome gesture that you let them hunt and film there :cool:
Daaave---Shaaame on you for fooling the guy around like that! :-D Seriously, though, that's a pretty neat story. I can't say I've even heard one quite like it. I also would like to compliment you on your generosity and sharing your land as you did. Take care.
Dave (FD)

You traded in the tweed for mossy oak (I'm disappointed). How did this happen? I think I need to spend some time in Ohio.

Joe E
JoeE wrote:
Dave (FD)

You traded in the tweed for mossy oak (I'm disappointed). How did this happen? I think I need to spend some time in Ohio.

Joe E

Dear Joe,

The only Tweed Farmer Dave was ever interested in was Shannon and I'm sure his wife broke him of that habit. :-D

Tim Murphy :)

Great story from the flatlands!!! Just joking! Nice story, I'll keep and eye out for that show. Did they say when/if it would be aired?

PS.. Who the Hell are you?? :-D
TimMurphy wrote:
Dear Farmer Dave,

Ain't you glad you didn't take a gun?

If you had the next thing you know it would have been like Patrick Swayze in "Next of Kin." You would have had to call all your ANF hillbilly buddies and family to help you in a shootin' war! :-D

Seriously, that is a neat story that obviously worked out well for everybody involved. If you get a head's up about when the video is going to show please let everybody here know, I'm sure we would like to watch it.

Tim Murphy :)

I'm not a Swayze fan, but I do love that movie. :-D

I'll try to find out if it will be aired, and when. They said they turn these around fairly quickly.