shooting in Saucon Park



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
I see on Channel 69 that a drug deal went bad in Saucon Park, resulting in the fatal shooting of a teen. I thought since Hellertown got yuppified with refugees from NYC, that this park had become more genteel. Back when the late Ron Koenig introduced the stream to me, 30 years or more ago, I thought that the place had cleaned up since. In those days, Ron would be packing and local lore had it that drug deals were common, even in the playground area. I noticed broken car window glass on the ground in the parking lot, and sure watched my step when ffishing there near dark, Once some kids stole a car and set it on fire on a pullout just off the creek. Can anyone fill me in on the state of personal safety there these days?
12 years ago I was looking to move to either Nazareth or Hellertown. I realized at some point that Easton is pretty convenient and that the crime rates are pretty identical across all three Northampton County Cities. All Drug Deals go bad as any drugs exchanged is always a bad thing. I pack sometimes but always wonder if its worth the risks.
Most of the criminals stick to each other and canabalize each other.
people shoot each other in their homes. No safer place than at home. No night fishing though. :)
People also die in cars.
Let me preface this comment by saying I am a savvy street smart person who lived in NYC and played in and around Philadelphia, not to mention frequent dallying in Allentown, Reading and North & South Side Bethlehem.

I have NEVER been mugged, but that is ONLY because I am alert & cautious. Many folks still have their head in the sand because they have been lucky, but eventually if things keep going in the direction they have been in the last 20 years, their luck won’t hold out forever. As for me, I avoid places where bad things can happen because it just is not worth it to me. Unfortunately, that list is growing…

I live in the vicinity; I fish the Saucon and used to fish it almost every day when I lived in Saucon Valley. I did some reconnoitering in the park one time about 20 years ago, my street smarts kicked in and I decided I would NEVER fish in the park.

The park is essentially in South Side Bethlehem, not Hellertown. There are MANY unsavory areas very close to the park and it has become a playground for many of the unsavory characters from those neighborhoods. Loud music, illegal fishing, drug dealing, drug use and littering abound.

Not too long ago the park was severely overcrowded with interlopers from New Jersey causing the same problems they cause at Beltsville, The City of Bethlehem took steps to alleviate some of those problems, however big issues remain.

Similar problems occurred in Penn Pump Park in Palmer Township near Easton. I used to fish the Bushkill in that park all the time, but no more…

The bottom line is similar to the situation that BruceC2C described when fishing in a park in New Cumberland. Unfortunately, some folks have ruined things for the rest of us. How you handle those situations is up to you.

When I go fishing, I wear a gun on my hip where I can do so legally. However, I’m not going to press my luck fishing where I might have to use it.

There are just too many safer options available.
When I carry I carry concealed (legally) but I'm not sure I wouldn't be smarter to just be mugged knowing the legal system will rape me of all that I have in the ensuing court fight that I'll have to go through.
When I carry I carry concealed (legally) but I'm not sure I wouldn't be smarter to just be mugged knowing the legal system will rape me of all that I have in the ensuing court fight that I'll have to go through.
Penn Pump is not as bad as it sometimes looks and once swimming season is over there is virtually no one there. The wife drives through it daily on her way to work.
I'll still pass on Penn Pump. Maybe your wife is braver than me...

Besides, I am relatively sure firearms are not permitted in Palmer Township parks which ISN'T the case (presently) with Bethlehem.

That plus NO alcohol and NO smoking rules mean I'd be breaking as many as three ordinances if I fished there. ;-)

And something tells me if you had to discharge your concealed, you would be breaking another ordinance.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:

And something tells me if you had to discharge your concealed, you would be breaking another ordinance.
Yea really, although I don't usually carry concealed, I carry open but you have a point that recalls a funny story.

I once called Bethlehem PD on my way to Monocacy Park to confirm my interpretation of the city laws regarding possessing a firearm in Bethlehem City Parks because I wanted to carry there going forward. The officer I spoke to agreed with me that I was within my legal rights to carry, but I would be in violation if I discharged it.

We both laughed about it and agreed if I needed to discharge it, I would have bigger problems than violating that ordinance. Which by the way, is more about preventing hunting than shooting per se, as the definition of firearm or weapon in the ordinance includes archery equipment, BB & pellet guns.
Saucon Park is still shady. They cracked down on the groups that used to hang out there all summer and swim in the creek. It is still in a shady area of town. Fishing is not that great either. There are a few choice spots to fish but the local elders fish it quite often. Fish get pressured in those few good spots. In between it seems barren at times.