Shark skin



May 29, 2009
Is shark skin worth the money$$$$$$$$$
No, I love mine but I got it for free. If I had not I would be almost as happy with nearly any line. Half price...maybe...
Sure if you like noise when casting,cut fingers, and spending $100 for line. For the money, I would go with AirFlo Ridge line (came out before Sharkskin). It is the same principal. The only difference being that it has parallel ridges that run the length line. Much quieter, cheaper, and will not cut your fingers.
Thanks guys i get the point and your wright.Going to go with a streamer line for my new guru. Looking for an intermedate sinking line.
From what I have heard, streamers are the worst possible application for sharkskin. Lots of stripping apparently shreds your hands.
i read a review in one of the mags where the guy said if you can't handle a porsche then dont buy it (referring to sharkskin)....he pretty much said dont be a pu$$y.......i considered it because of the supposed durability but i streamer fish a lot and i'm a pu$$y.

For nymphs and dries... heck yes for streamers no way
tennjed wrote:
Sure if you like noise when casting,cut fingers, and spending $100 for line. For the money, I would go with AirFlo Ridge line (came out before Sharkskin). It is the same principal. The only difference being that it has parallel ridges that run the length line. Much quieter, cheaper, and will not cut your fingers.

I need to get a new line before spring, and and want to look at a ridge line. So, I guess you think it also casts better than conventional lines?
How about durability - how long have you had it?
Any problems with it holding dirt and cleaning it?
I've had the line (3wt) for about 2 years. I definitely think that the line floats higher and is easier to pick up. I also feel it doesn't pick up as much dirt as a conventional line. Do I think it casts better? To me there isn't that much difference. However, I clean my lines after every trip (Agent X). Hope that helps.
Thanks Tennjed.
I'm going to a FF show here in anther few weeks, and will hopfully find some buys there. I think that ridge line retails for around $60
I think there is a big difference in the casting...especially roll casting. The part about it not picking up dirt is true but kind of surprise me since it has such a texture. I have sawed into my finger fishing streamers. Had to learn to hold the line little differently is all. The difference nymphing is nill as I cast much less nymphing than with dries. Casts very well with dries and streamers.

I am on year 2 or 3 with this line...I forget.

For those that disagree that Sharkskin is a great fly line - as long as we all recognize that sometimes honest men can disagree I am happy.

Sharkskin. AWESOME dry fly line. The best in the industry. I use it exclusively. It sings a little. Never had a problem cutting my finger.

It floats better than any fly line available, bar none. It mends incredibly well. It will not show any memory, even down below freezing. IT DOES NOT GET DIRTY, I rarely clean mine. The tip never sinks, even after a full day of fishing it. Nothing shoots like it. I have two full years on my lines, no grooves in my guides.

It does take a little more skill at line control because it is so slippery in the guides.

But Sharkskin is not a good streamer line. I spoke today to one of the main "testers" for Scientific Anglers in Montana. Big name person, will go un-named. They threw Sharkskin 250 grain and it floated for a period of time before it sank. Spoke about it at length. The stuff floats too well to be a sinking line!

Following is my recommendation. This is the best one you can buy, IMHO, This is the Kelly Galloup designed line. It does not have a mono cord, and will not have any coil memory. He tested and designed the line, and you can read his comments about the line at the following link. (no financial interest here)
....and Melvin. My new Guru #3 arrived today with an extra spool. The streamer line is going on one spool, Sharkskin floating on the other.
The K. Galloup. The Streamer Express Sinking and the Streamer Express Clear Tip line aer what I'm lookin at. The lines are available in 150-400 grain weights, the front thirty feet of each line sinks rapidly, while the next twenty feet is an intermediate sink, and finally the butt of the line floats. Hopefully it casts a little better than his "teeny" line that he hung his name on.
Madison River Fishing Company has the AirFlo Ridge "Hi-Float" Trout WF line on sale for $30. The sharkskin may be better, but not 333% better.

MRFC Ridge WF Hi-Float