Shameless Self Promotion Part II



Mar 23, 2011
I too, competed at the 2012 PA Fly tying championships. I have been extremely busy, as I still am. So I apologize for how pathetic/brief this may be. I don't have pictures of my flies. But, we were asked to tie a White Wulff, a March Brown, and a pheasant tail nymph. I managed to grab 1st place in the Youth Division. I'll admit, the competition may not have been as bad or the flies as hard (so bravo FrequentTyer on the 2nd!!!!!) but I am still proud. I aim to enter the open category next year and hopefully I can place then. I did see some familiar faces at the show, which was nice. Well, here's the trophy:
Congratulations again, Gaeron!

When I got your text message on Saturday evening, I was standing in a fly shop up your way. There was about a dozen people in the shop, and when I read your text out loud, they all cheered. Wish you could have seen it!


That's awesome! Thanks for the support. And, I know people say this a lot and they do just to. But, you guys really do make the difference. Your support and encouragement (to everyone) has been great! And if you don't mind me asking, which fly shop? Thanks again,

The Evening Hatch - they knew you (and/or heard of you). One of the customers was a woman. I think she was one of your groupies from the International Tying Symposium. :-D

I'm really proud of you. Way to go, Champ!!!

Congrats G. I now have had the honor of tying with 2 famous fly tyers. :)

Great job.

I have two of your flies from the fly mini jam, maybe I should shadow box them and some day I can say knew Gareon why back when........way to go !
Congratuations! Post some pictures.
Congratulations Gaeron! Be proud and don't undersell the accomplishment, there were fewer tyers in the youth division, but they were all good! Most of the amateurs I talked to were relieved that you were in the youth division :)
Well done Gaeron!, your parents must be busting with pride. ( not to mention you as well ). :-D
Very acomplishment indeed!!!
congrats. I would also like to see a couple pics of those flies if you get a chance. Well done.
Still trying to get those pics for you guys, but check this out, it's my local paper:
Click Here looks like I'm crying for some reason. I'm just not photogenic:p
Not sure if you heard or not but you made the Pittsburgh Post Gazette today. They had a small piece about the strength of the Eastern PA tyers vs the Western PA Tyers.

Great Job! I live as far west in PA as you can and I can attest to some great tyer's out here.
