Shad in Ridley?


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
Today I caught what I think is a shad. Anybody else have this experience? It was only several inches long. I heard that there were some stockings of shad several years ago, trying to restore the fishery.

Also saw a huge turtle and an eel.

most likely a alwife, shad are all in the salt now except the YOY which will be no more than 2" long if that..
I saw a dead lamprey eel in Deer Creek here in Harford County, MD back in May. I was surprised to see it, but my brother reminded me that there are no obstructions from the Susquenanna up to that section of Deer Creek that would keep it from coming up that far.
Did you photograph the fish? If so, I would be glad to see the pic and would identify it for you if the quality or angle of the photo allow it. Good info if we can verify what you saw.