Sex,Death and Leaky Waders



New member
Mar 22, 2009
I just picked up this book at the PSU library in the Harvey Section and I have had a hard time putting it down the last few nights. It is truly awesome writing. I think Gierach is my new favorite author. One question though, is this book a condensed version of all his books? Like in the index its broken out in sections. And Each section has some stories associated with it. There is a section called troutbum, even brook trout get the blues etc. And I know he has other books with the same title. I am just wondering if he just condensed all those stories from his other books and put it in this book.
Sorry I made a mistake on the title. Correction is

"Death,Taxes and Leaky Waders"
His other, older book was Sex, Death and Fly Fishing...was actually my first favorite. Funny how death is the only constant...
I believe it's a compilation of a few of his other books. Pick the stories you like most, and go buy the books that they're from.

You'll end up with all of them anyway.
I think Jay is coorect, except his new books often contain some new material in addition to excerpts from previously published books.
All of his stuff is great- I think I own 10 of his works.

My least favorite is "Good Flies".
Yeah, I have that one (death, taxes, and leaky waders). I went out and bought some of his other stuff. That one is just excerpts from them. However, all of them that I have are written in the short story format like that. Good stuff...
i have this books, its great
I have his entire collection,He is by far my favorite writer.I still like Trout Bum the best though.
Geirach is by far my favorite , as far as i can tell though his books are actually condensed compilations of short stories which were magazine articles at first