Sewickley Creek



Dec 15, 2014
Has anyone fished Sewickley Creek near the west newton area? are there many holdover fish? any other insight on the area? I'd like to try fishing it some this winter if I can.
I have lived by this stream my whole life and until this day everybody still calls it the (sulfur creek) and not cause of its hatches. I believe they just started stocking this maybe 2 years ago down near the town of Lowber in its lower reaches where little sewickley joins., to me it's more of smallmouth bass stream than trout stream. . It's water temp (along with the tribs) go way over the comfort zone for trout in the summer, so I don't think it would be a good holdover stream. The Yough just over the hill would be a much better option IMHO.
haha ok good to know. My GF lives near it and after driving past it a few times I started getting the inclination to try it. I might rethink that ...
Fish it in the spring, after it gets stocked. Not now.
BTW, there are two Sewickley Creeks. This one, south of Pittsburgh, and another, north of Pittsburgh.

Sometimes I think the stream naming in PA was done for the designed purpose of confusing people.
troutbert wrote:
BTW, there are two Sewickley Creeks. This one, south of Pittsburgh, and another, north of Pittsburgh.

Sometimes I think the stream naming in PA was done for the designed purpose of confusing people.

Actually, there are 3 sewickley creeks.
There are big and little sewickley creeks - two separate streams - located around a suburb of pittsburgh called Sewickley.

Little sewickley creek is listed as supporting wild trout. But that seems pretty iffy to me.
I checked it out once in summer, and found it to be practically dried up and rather warm.
I have fished little sewickley creek before and the iffy part is correct. Another board member and I had a bit of interest in it a few years ago and looked into some research. It's like bigfoot, there's some pictures out there of fish but the reality that they are wild is debatable. There's a small school group that surveys the stream and it looks like they have put in some parr in the stream but when I fished it, there was little if any evidence of any trout in it.
When I went to little sewickley creek, I came across one large deep hole, and there was a fellow fishing it with with bait. And while I talked with him a bit, he caught a stocked trout. When I asked him where it came from, he told me that the stream gets occasional private stockings from a sportsmens club
yes the trout in Sewickley creek do hold over. caught many trout this past summer and fall. I fished the stream for 20 years. good smallmouth fishing musky and pike. lots of minnies and grabs in the creek and water snakes. some trout swimm up from the yough river. we see a bald eagle in one streech of the stream. jz