severance tax survey



Aug 16, 2009

It's a shame that only 140 people responded to this survey. I guess being located in the far SE part of the state, most people here are not aware of this issue.
Not sure how many people live in his district or how many of them are actually on his email list or of those, how many actually read the email if it didn't go into their junk folder...but its nice to see a rep at least asking.
I agree Tom, nice to see a rep asking what his people favor. imagine that!!!
now we just need other reps to do the same thing and actually listen to the PEOPLE and not the industry.
bikerfish wrote:
I agree Tom, nice to see a rep asking what his people favor. imagine that!!!
now we just need other reps to do the same thing and actually listen to the PEOPLE and not the industry.

Dear bikerfish,

Why would the reps even bother to ask?

By this point in time almost everyone should know that if a severance tax or impact fee is enacted the drillers will immediately pull up stakes and return to operating in a State where they know they will be taxed.

Our Governor says this true and I believe him. ;-)

The truth of the matter is all the survey and poll results I have seen show that the residents of PA definitely favor some type of tax or fee on the Marcellus drillers.

Despite results that clearly indicated that a tax or fee on drilling was desired our wonderful legislature devoted more time and effort to attempting to pass a school voucher bill. Thankfully it didn't pass but I seriously have to call BS on the Republican lead government of this State.

School vouchers are nothing more than a means to redistribute publically generated tax dollars, ie wealth, to private citizens. Imagine that, and here I thought only Democrats are proponents of the redistribution of wealth?

What a bunch of lying two-faced SOB's the Republicans are. They publically proclaim that they despise taxes and view them as a detriment to business and economic growth. Meanwhile, they think nothing of making sure that tax money goes to back to private enterprise rather than be used from whence it came, the public at large?


Tim Murphy
I agree Tim.