Setting The Clock


Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
It looks like to obtain accurate times on the posts, we need to set our time zone to GMT - 2:00 (Mid-Atlantic).
Dear Jack,

If it is like the previous version of the board I think the time can only be right when you are logged in. If you were just viewing the board the times for the posts were always several hours off, once you logged in the correct time was displayed.

If somebody knows a way to make the time correct all the time please let me know.

Tim Murphy 🙂
Tim, if you are not logged in, the software has no idea what time you want it to be, so it uses the time it thinks it is, which, as you say, is several hours off our time. Once you log in, it then adjusts the time for what you want it to be and I think those of us here in PA want it to be adjusted AS IF it were GMT-2:00. This is set up in your account preferences. I am pretty sure Dave has no control over the time setting the software uses as a default when we aren't logged in.
Guys this one has always escaped me. The clock says 18:45 and it is 6:45. The Post was for 20:46 which is two hours off. I will put this on the list.

I think I have fixed the server time for everyone. Please be sure that if you clock time in posts is in correct, change your time zone to Eastern time -5. this can be found in your Edit Account under the user menu.

If you are still having problems let me know.