Self Filming Fishing



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
Lost a nice 16-18incher, landed a average 10-12. Was totally my fault, had the drag set way to high.
Hey mute can you put your videos in a different format or put they on youtube because I can't get they to play
You need to have quicktime. At least that's what plays them for me.
I know but I can't get any of Apple programs to run on my computer for some reason I tried everything you can think off besides deleting everything on my comp and reinstaling it if it gets to that point its not worth it ......

Nice movie and nice fish. That sleevless look really works for you!

Are you filming in 16:9 format?
haha thanks, and yes i film in 16:9. frederick ill put it up on youtube tonight but it really diminishes quality
Frederick and Aristricatkid, download and install Quicktime Alternative, that might work for you. Here it is ion youtube,
Mute - nice video. Made we want to go out and fish! Pickering is one of my favorite creeks. Perhaps we will meet on the stream sometime.
phillyfisher, would be cool. I fished it every afternoon this week, and plan to tomorrow and friday. I usually fish 12-5 or 2-7
Loved the video. Good set-up for running it all solo. Tell you the truth the tripod works so much better. Too many people pan and zoom way too much on their home video camera. Everybody should learn a lesson from you.

Thanks for keeping the fish drop in the clip! You made me feel better, I do that all the time!

Haha yea, well thanks on the comment and thanks on the fish drop comment. I was so mad when it slipped out i was just thinking of all the criticism i was going to get with it in the video.
Nice Video,i hope you post some more.i can watch this stuff all day.
Nice film.

Ok, so for Christmas your gonna get breathables right?

Tight lines, Paul
I fish more in the cold then i do in the heat, so meh probably not.