Seeing Spawning Trout?



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
Has anyone been seeing spawning trout on your expeditions? Last weekend I fished a couple brookie streams in Sullivan County, and didn't see any signs of spawning.
I too tryed two areas (one class a and a reservoir) in SC PA and did not observe any signs of spawning, I still think there might not be enough water down here, and that warm spell a week back or so could of thrown their urges for a loop! Also that reservoir I tryed was so low (about 6-8 ft) that the trib into it was cascading down into it, maybe after the rain forcasted for today and cooler weather, they will help trigger something.
I have a video I took last weekend that I will try and upload. It is a 7 inch female and an 8 in. male. He circles around the pool and nussles her, but that's it; no real spawning action.
No the water is too warm so the trout are holding waiting for the water to cool down. I have seen trout holding near known spawning areas. The other day I saw a very large brookie in one of these places. It was over 15 inches and a wild fish.
believe it or not, saw 2 rainbows on the little lehigh about 3 weeks ago "doing it"...i thought bows spawned in the spring
Bows will spawn occasionally in the fall, from what I gather. Brookies will spawn in both fall and spring from time to time as well.

From what I've read, of course.
Saw 2 last weekend that were paired up. One was about a 16in brown and the other was a 10in brown. These were the only two that I saw that were paired up though. Bows in PA have been selected to spawn in the fall.
They have developed a strain of fall spawning rainbows.So they will probably be phasing them in as less crowded and less runoff than in Spring.
I saw some spawning activity in the Little Lehigh FFO area last week. I thought they were browns, but I didn't see them clearly. It kind of surprised me because this section has more stockies than wilds, it's not the best spawning habitat, and it was just stocked a couple weeks earlier. But I guess where there's an urge, there's a way!
Yea i noticed all the fall stocked bows were all in agressive spawning moods. Which i guess is why egg patterns worked so well
Egg patterns always work on stocked bows. The spawn is irrelevant. :p
Where do people ever get the idea that brookies spawn in the spring? I've never seen it and never have heard it from a biologist.
Stocked trout still have the same urges - growing up in a raceway doesn't remove the sex drive. I saw a number of trout pairing up and digging redds this October the day after they were stocked. All the wild rainbows and browns (and probably a lot of brookies too) started out as stocked fish at one time in their past.

Most states developed fall spawning rainbows for put and take fisheries so that the fish would be about 14 months old and a good size when stocked in April and May. If they were spawned in the spring they would be less than a year old and a size that would cause a lot of fishermen's complaints when stocked in the spring.