I'm NOT sure about the interactive maps having section numbers for all types of streams, but section numbers & limits are referenced in the stocking schedules with coordinates & landmarks and on the Class A List with coordinates.
Section 1 is always the upper limit so all streams have a Section 1. The section numbers increase as you approach the mouth of the stream. What you can't find on the stocking schedules or Class A List you can figure out by process of elimination.
I believe Mike Kaufmann was instrumental in creating the sectioning of streams when he was with the PFBC so he is the one to check my comments to see if I am correct. 🙂
In the meantime, not many are familiar with section number except folks like Mike, others who work for the PFBC and dorks like me. I like to reference section numbers because they are defined limits that are published, I use them all the time on my own lists & mapping software and when I communicate with the PFBC.
It also make more sense to me and takes less keystrokes than saying, "100 meters downstream of the bridge on SR1413..." 😉