Secret fishing spots....myth and you are BUSTED !!!



Well-known member
Jun 18, 2014
I thought I’d share this story since I found it amazing and quite funny. In what I can only assume was a thinly veiled attempt to put me in the ICU, I joined NickR and NightStalker on a “exploratory” float this past Sunday. It was an opportunity to cover some water looking for bass, musky, walleye, pan fish, trout or whatever happened to hit our lines. We were off the beaten path but occasionally close to some larger roadways. About mid float, my phone ‘dings’ that I’ve received a text message. I pull out my phone and it’s another forum member. The text basically said “Hey, I’m driving on the interstate and can see you, Nick and Brian floating.” LMAO. I sent a message back that it was us and I was dying. I had a 103 fever when I got home and taking turns dragging out 500 yards almost sent me right to the ER. I’m not sure that 48 hours of chills, aches and trouble breathing were canceled out by the frozen 18” smallie I landed but I’m sure I’ll do it again.

I just found it funny that another forum member spotted us and had my cell #. I would have guessed it was a 1 in a million chance that we were even noticed by the homeowners and we slithered down past their properties. Small world, eh?
i bet that happens more than we think - last January i spotted a guy with a yellow glass rod on a lancs co. creek, from here i had a pretty good idea who it was :-D

i do have a similar story to yours too - i was wading the sandbars at low tide on cape cod bay, sightfishing for stripers at around 5am one June week day morning, when i see out of the fog some turkey casting from the next bar down the beach.

now this is a spot i found myself and figured it out myself and have only shared with four people in 5-6 years....

slightly irate at the loss of my absolute solitude i never the less turned to spotting, hooking and landing fish from 26-30" or 7-11lb ish.

having had a fab hour or so i took a breather and sent a smug text to my buddy Craig who i knew would be on his way to work.

"fishing here is awesome. some turkey in our spot. lucky you had to work huh ?"

10 seconds the phone dings back " sorry about that. that turkey is me" and then he waved at me LOL

the SOB had taken a sickie and was fishing MY beach on the low down.

that cost him half a bottle of Glenmorangie...quite right too i think.
Lol well ya can't miss mr pierogies even if he's a mile down river!
Mr Pierogies? Now that's funny. Could you see the smoke billowing from the boat? We had a small grill on the back deck and were reheating some Moussaka as we went down river
Glad you survived Andy. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger..or just takes a couple years off your life. John, keep in touch. Once conditions are right again we will be looking to get back out.
What's that avatar? What is it, a sacfry?
I for one, am sick of people honking their freakin horns every time the see me fishing…it is real getting annoying for Pete's Sake already people and stuff…

So tired of people stalking me…

I'm tired of the drones following me...
no problem hiding here .........
I hate when folks stop their car to photograph my elegant casting stroke.
It must be hell being famous.
Off I-81 downstream of 114. Just a quick guess. This isn't rocket science but Stalker I would be Very Very curious to know if you detect an increase in fishing pressure over the next couple of years.
Stenonema wrote:
Off I-81 downstream of 114. Just a quick guess. This isn't rocket science but Stalker I would be Very Very curious to know if you detect an increase in fishing pressure over the next couple of years.

Well played...only a map would improve your odds.
This is along the secret fishing spots and spotburning debate this thread is addressing.

NS, I read your threads on here posting pictures, and specific information to fish, and a fishery, that's not protected by law. Even going so far as to contribute and promote articles written on it. Yet I see other threads you start on other streams that are not named by you.

What is your hope to gain from it all? Self notoriety (I mean do you hope to guide there), fish notoriety, awareness to the fishery to gain protection?

I'm not trying to be an #censor#, I apologize in advance if it comes off that way (text based communication). I was curious because I see a lot of posts by you with what I thought was wanting attention, then a post explaining the downside to attention.

People ask me where I caught my fish and I tell them offshore . Then they ask ,any place in particular to which I respond in the mouth on the bottom. GG
PM returned back to you, NS.
Awaiting PMs.
NS must work for the Cumberland Valley Bureau of Tourism.
I or my super secret group has PM'ed select a secret few of you...
My PM must not have come thru....I'll check in with DKile.....