Seatrout fishing in Denmark - Sonderborg, Denmark 12/21/14



Apr 26, 2009
Thanks for all the input about my posts for seatrout fishing in Denmark. Here is a report on my trip to Denmark - lots of pictures. ENJOY!

I traveled with my wife to Germany for the holidays 12/17 thru 12/27/14. My mother-in-law is German and her entire extended family lives there. It was the first time my wife & I got to spend Christmas with the German family since 2003. I was fortunate to get away for one day of fly fishing with my wife's cousin's husband Stephan (who lives in Germany & is an avid fly fisherman) and my father-in-law (Gary) who lives in Maryland.

We got to fish Sunday 12/21/14. We started our day at 4:30am in Klein Heidorn, Germany (just outside of Hannover) and drove 3-hrs north to Sonderborg, Denmark. We went to a place Stephan has fished often. We got to the pull-out near the water at about 7:45am and started to get our gear ready.


View of the water from the car

After gearing up, we walked down the path to the water. Air temp was about 45-degrees in the morning, winds were pretty calm at about 5-mph. Here are some views going down the path & right before we started fishing.


Gary & Stephan heading down the path


Sunrise in Sonderborg, Denmark on the water


Sunrise in Sonderborg, Denmark on the water


And the fishing begins...

We fished in the first spot from about 8am until about 11:30am. Did not have a thermometer, so unsure about the water temp, but it was nice and chilly! I was fished with a 9-ft 6wt Orvis Hydros with Redington Rise 7/8 reel with floating line in the morning & 9-ft 6-in 7wt Aleka A8 with Lamson Velocity 3.5x reel with floating line in the afternoon. My father-in-law was fishing a 9-ft 6-in 7wt Orvis Hydros with Orvis Battenkill reel and floating line, while Stephan fished a 9-ft 6wt Winston with Danielson reel and floating line in the morning & a 9-ft 7wt Sage One with Sage reel and floating line in the PM.

Fishing was tough, but Stephan was able to land (2) seatrout & (1) surprising rainbow trout that he took home. I was able to land a small seatrout. My father-in-law, Gary, hooked a seatrout, but had a long-line release. Each of us had a few additional bites, but none landed. All were caught on pink shrimp-like patterns, while Gary had his hooked on a Christmas Tree fly. Here are some pics of the fish.


Stephan with nice seatrout - this was the biggest of the day


Another nice seatrout from Stephan


Me with my small seatrout


And the release of my fish (one of my favorite pics of the trip)


Stephan's surprise rainbow trout

After fishing that spot for a few hours we took a short break for lunch & headed to 2 other areas a little further up from where we started. Unfortunately, no more action the rest of the day. Some nice scenery & great experience trying some new water.

All in all, it was a cold day, but the weather god cooperated a bit. We only had light drizzle in the afternoon for a bit, but winds stayed fairly calm most of the day until early evening. We called it quits about 3:45pm when the wind & rain started to roll in.

Here are some other scattered pics from the day. ENJOY!


My father-in-law and me fishing






My father-in-law making some casts


Stephan making a cast


cool. thanks for posting a follow up - so many people get the info, but don't spill the beans on their trip.

those are nice trout - did they jump like crazy ?
When I bicycled through Sonderborg and around Denmark I particularly enjoyed the quaint harbors and their docked commercial fishing fleets, such as the one shown in Sonderborg when you Google the town's name. I did not hear anything about sea running trout, but hering, plaice (a flatfish), shrimp, and eels were popular. Thank you for sharing the photos. I think the building in the background is thatch roofed.
Hey gee bee- They didn't really jump all that much. They put up a good fight, but stayed pretty much underwater.

Sonderborg was pretty interesting. Per my wife's cousin's husband, it is apparently a good seatrout fishery. Would love to ride a bike around there in warmer climates!