Scuds & Peeking Caddis for Yellow Creek



Active member
Mar 16, 2015
I like to fish Yellow Creek in Bedford County during my Spring & Fall excursions to PA.

I'm going to tie up a batch of scuds and peeking caddis flies for 2016. What colors/sizes would you suggest I tie?

Any other wets, flymphs, streamers or nymphs you'd recommend, (other than PTs & Hare's Ears)? Sizes/colors of those?

On Friday Texas Parks and Wildlife is putting 1300 8" rainbow trout into a pond about 6 miles from my house. It's part of their "Winter Trout Stocking" Program.

I plan to spend the day in a beer joint...

UncleShorty wrote:
I like to fish Yellow Creek in Bedford County during my Spring & Fall excursions to PA.

I'm going to tie up a batch of scuds and peeking caddis flies for 2016. What colors/sizes would you suggest I tie?

Any other wets, flymphs, streamers or nymphs you'd recommend, (other than PTs & Hare's Ears)? Sizes/colors of those?

Bugs in this stream aren't unique and any typical scud or caddis nymph patterns will be appropriate. My usual advice for folks asking about nymph sizes for central PA is, when in doubt, go a size smaller.
I'd suggest for scuds go olive in size 16-18 and for caddis light brown and green in size 14-16.
Peeking caddis can be as simple as a walts worm with a beadhead and a green thread collar. You can get more complex but that's a quick tie and works fine.

Scuds dont need to be complex either...I usually use a partially synthetic dubbing. I dub the body and finish the fly. I use Velcro to brush out the legs and take a lighter to singe the top. Since it's synthetic it will seal it up nice. Don't burn, just heat. You can then coat with some epoxy, uv, etc if you want...another 30 second tie.

As for color: don't underestimate the orange color they take on when they are dying.
"...take a lighter to singe the top. "
I like that. I'm gonna try this tonight.
Thanks to all for many good ideas to keep me busy @ the bench.

I just put a 5 gal batch of Northern German Altbier into the fermenter today so tonight/tomorrow are freed up for tying.

The southern most trout fishery in North America is the Canyon Dam Tailrace. The Guadelupe chapter of TU, (of which I'm a member), puts some nice rainbows in there and there are some hold overs and a few wild trout there too.

Problem for me is it's 3-1/2 hour drive each way. So it's usually a once a year expedition.

Ya gotta be careful too. The entire river on both sides is built up. Step one foot out of the river you're on private property. The locals watch like hawks and have the Sheriff on speed dial. I've never trespassed but lots of guys in the Chapter have gotten their wallets lightened, one guy even got shot at! I'm too old for that baloney...
Shorty, as a GRTU member you can get fishing access thru their lease agreement with the local landowners. Its only $120 a year and they tell you when they stock. Better than getting shot at or arrested!
UncleShorty wrote:
The Guadelupe chapter of TU, (of which I'm a member), puts some nice rainbows in there and there are some hold overs and a few wild trout there too.

The first trout I ever caught was in the Guadalupe River.

Glad to hear they are getting some wild trout. Any browns in the river, stocked or wild?
Yes, I'm in the lease program. But the 3-1/2 hour trek each way is too much for me to do in a day.

So when I go I camp at Potter's Creek for a couple nights and fish the morning and evening drifts.

But I'm gettin' too old for that. Last time it took me 3 weeks to get over the back ache from sleepin' on that #@*& air mattress. Might have to start holin' up at the old "No Tell Motel"...

By the way, the lease program only allows you access to each specific riverfront property. So if you move up or down stream a few hundred feet you are past the lease property and subject to trespassing. Unless you stay completely in the river. (In TX the river bed is public. The banks are private.)

It's sad, that such a great fishery is so limited, but I understand it.

In the spring, summer & fall people go "tubing" down the river. So you get about a thousand people many of whom tie half a dozen inter tubes together, three of which are loaded with beer coolers. Then those revelers proceed to litter, relieve themselves and change clothes, (nudity), on people's property.

Too bad they ruined it for folks who have some respect and a little sense. But that's Texas...
There was talk of putting in some browns this year but I haven't been following the stockings closely.

I and some buddies used to fish there often in the early 80's. I'll bet you wouldn't recognize the river now. It is completely built up, from 100 yards below the big hole at the dam all the way to New Braunfels. There's not an inch of un-developed river bank.

We are in GRAVE danger of losing this fishery all together. TX has a water crisis and there is talk of releasing more water from Canyon Dam.

If that happens the water temps will get too high and that's all she wrote.

The Ag Lobby has a lot more $$$ than the fishermen. If you want to experience this unique opportunity, the southern most trout fishery in North America, I'd plan on doing it sooner rather than later.

But you best bring your waders, your wallet and maybe your Kevlar...