Scrap wood desk



Jul 20, 2011
Thought some of you guys might like this. I collected scrap wood from the neighborhood on garbage night for about 2 months and built this tying desk. All I paid for was screws and glue.


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Dumpster Diver!

No thats pretty cool.... nice job.
I actually wasn't looking for any of it. I kept seeing the stuff out on the curb, and had most of it before I knew what I was going to build. I'm thinking about building them to sell...not with trash, of course. I would buy quality wood for that.
I'd buy one...if I had money! I need waders though...haha!

You did, however, give me some storage ideas from your picture.
Nice! I have Patagonias that I found on sale a few years ago. couldn't be happier. They leaked after two seasons, and they fixed them for free. They've been going strong since. And if I had money, I would have bought a desk also, instead of building one from trash LOL
Thats a great looking desk. One man's trash...
yeah seriously! If I could make crap out of wood, I'd do that long before buying one! I wish I could make waders haha!
Wullf, I love the Crafstman/arts&crafts movement look my cabin is decorated in that style,If you do decide to build for sale im interested and would like an estimate for either Cherry or red oak for finishes i prefer that the oak get the Alcohol treatment to age it.
That is a really green idea, i dont mind if mine is bult from scrap as long as its structurally sound.Great job!
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
Redington Sonic Pros with zip you can't go wrong

I'll keep you in mind. I'm going to start looking for a decent wood distributor in the area. I'll keep you posted on what I find.
I'll check tha curbs on garbage night, too... :)

Sounds good let me know , if all you can get is pine then just a clear poly ,maybe a small piece of corian where my pedestal sits,are those tenons i see on the legs?a small drawer on the right side would be good and i coul come up with a waste basket thingy.
PM me if you are serious.
Tight Wraps & Tight Lines
Rick Wallace
Very cool. I want to build a rod rack out of wood. I just need a better workshop and a table saw
Good idea! Looks like it turned out pretty nice.
Well done Wulff! Looks very functional.