Scott Pruitt



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
I'm not sure if this the correct location for this post,but what does our community think about President Trump's choice to head the EPA? Scott Pruitt has spent a lot of time in the past suing the EPA over its regulation of oil and gas drilling. How doe that bode for the nations cold water resources?
It certainly does not bode well for conservation and the environment in general, IMO.

I completely understand why people wanted change in this election, but no one seems to have considered the possibility that the changes Trump is selling will make things WORSE, not better. Especially for outdoorsmen like pretty much all of us on this site.

When does the buyer's remorse kick in?
We will have to wait and see. Trump recently commented on his dedication to protecting our natural resources. All talk or not, who knows.
I'm not particularly happy to see this, but it's not the first time an industry insider with personal interests has been picked to head a governing agency. Plenty of that happened under the current administration (Obama selecting a Monsanto exec to head the FDA is a notable one).

We'll have to see what happens. Like most federal agencies, even the EPA could use some pruning.
The selection of Pruitt, given his history of opposition to the EPA, connection to the fossil fuel industry, and denial of science-backed climate change theory, is IMHO a giant FU move, and an indication that Dear Leader has zero interest in environmental protection. I can see no path forward that does not involve compromise our health and quality of of life.
He has to be approved by the Senate, right? So there is a glimmer of hope.
A little more info:
SteveG wrote:
I'm not particularly happy to see this, but it's not the first time an industry insider with personal interests has been picked to head a governing agency.

Like Joe Kennedy being appointed first head of SEC by FDR.

Joe made a fortune on insider trading before the stock market crash and made an even bigger fortune in real estate after the crash.

When asked why he would pick such a crook to run the SEC, FDR said "Takes one to catch one."

Of course the real reason was Joe spent a boatload of loot to help FDR get elected, and Joe really wanted the Secretary of Treasury position.

I'm not saying I agree with Pruitt's nomination, just agreeing with Steve that this isn't new.

I don't think Pruitt will be confirmed, but even i he is, I'll take a wait and see. It aint like EPA is all good right now.
Guy was an also ran in both Indy cars and NASCAR. Trump shoulda went with Tony Stewart if he wanted someone with legit experience in both. He's retiring and is available. Even old "Jet Dryer" Montoya, or Danica would have been better choices IMO.
Good one Swattie, and Darrel Waltrip in charge of building the wall.
I'm good with that. Just no Rusty Wallace. He's the Joe Theisman of racing broadcasting.
It's like a military leader being picked to lead the DOD, they should have to be out of the industry a certain number of years before being appointed or even considered for one.
Trump is doing exactly what he promised. Shouldn't be any surprise. Never forget when Governor Ridge on a call-in show told me Pennsylvania doesn't need regulations because Pennsylvanians care about the environment. At the Christmas dinner table my wife's sister went off on poor farmer's who have to fence their streams. My Brother gave her a 2 hour history and government lesson. She said she felt attacked but knew absolutely nothing about the issue. Clean and Green? Chesapeake Bay? Who cares? Its much easier to live in a black and white world where you really don't need to understand history, government, or the issues. I would say the same for those who jump on the regulation bandwagon as a solution to every issue.