


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
What are the best ? I need a new pair and the b day is very close.
Happy B-day Bruno!
Bruno wrote:
What are the best ? I need a new pair and the b day is very close.

Well, you did ask...

click here

This place has some really good deals on scissors. I bought a pair from them at the Somerset show, and they're identical to my Dr. Slick scissors.

Anvil Ice Scissors are also excellent for the money. They stay sharp for a LONG time, and can be factory refurbished. I really like these - they are the most comfortable to keep in my hand while tying. The short size keeps them out of the way, yet there when you need them. They make a kit that would cover all the bases, and is customizeable to include the scissors you want. Good stuff!
I second the Anvil Ice Scissors. Good stuff.
Anvil, american made and backed.
I have 2 pairs of Dr. Slicks and they are ok, but for $26 they better be.
sandfly wrote:
Anvil, american made and backed.

My choice as well!! :-D
I knew you were going to put that link in HA... I'm also looking for some new tools, and scissors are on the top of my list. Probably headed to WV to check out Cabela's next weekend.
ryguyfi wrote:
I knew you were going to put that link in HA...

I can't help it - it just cracks me up. Ya gotta have a serious burr up your butt to pay $275 for a pair of scissors. Bet they'd trim up some mean globugs! :-D
Heritage-Angler wrote:
ryguyfi wrote:
I knew you were going to put that link in HA...

I can't help it - it just cracks me up. Ya gotta have a serious burr up your butt to pay $275 for a pair of scissors. Bet they'd trim up some mean globugs! :-D

I use a regular pair of paper scissors for my globugs.... heck you could BUY 550 "perfect" globugs for the price of those scissors.
Definitely Anvil scissors. They are unbeatable (but mine are a bit nicked up from cutting wire because I am too lazy to grab some cutters).