Scientific Anglers Euro Nymph Kit - Any thoughts/experience?



Well-known member
Apr 1, 2013
I’m considering giving Euro nymphing a try, but before I invest in a new rod/reel I saw Scientific Anglers has a Euro Nymph kit that it says you can connect to any rod/reel combination. It has 20’ of floating line to connect to your current fly line and a euro nymph leader attached.

I have both a 9’ 5 wt. rod/reel and a 7’6” 4 wt. setup and primarily fish smaller streams.

Does anyone have any experience with this or what are your thoughts? I haven’t found much in the way of online reviews that are helpful and thought maybe someone had first hand experience.

Below is a link to the product page.

Thanks for any feedback!
I just got one of these yesterday, to carry, just in case I'm caught without my euro rod. Truthfully, I don't see any advantage over the mono rig. Maybe the thin running line would help load a soft rod better than mono, but the advantage would be marginal. Not bad, probably not necessary, but then, what is?
It looks like there may have been a price hike, some places have it for $25, others $40.
I would agree make a mono rig with Maxima. I started out with a 8'5" 5wt when I first tried the whole euro thing. Look up lots of info. No need for a 10ft+ rod until you know this type of fishing is for you. You learn to cast well with a shorter rod when you do decide to move up to a10"+ it's a lot easier and you will better understand the principles and feel of the tight line style.
I'd probably just flyfish instead.
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Just use an all-mono rig or pick up a thin diameter el-cheapo running line of Amazon or ebay (or elsewhere on the web). They go for around 10-15 bucks with shipping.

.026 Floating Running Line

Use the $15-20 you save and buy leader and sighter material.

FWIW, I prefer the thin running/shooting lines over plain ol' mono. I think they are easier to handle and fish, even though very little of the line ever spends any time off of your reel.