Schuylkill River fingerling trout stocking



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
As time has passed and experience gained, the fingerling stocked section of the Schuylkill R has been narrowed down to what is now known as Section 03, which extends from the confluence of Tumbling Run (short distance down Rt 61 from Pottsville) downstream to Rt 443 at the southern end of Schuylkill Haven. While it has been receiving Brown Trout all along and Rainbows as well not too many years ago, RT were not surviving as well, so RT stocking was terminated. This year, however, efforts were made by the hatchery system to produce larger (my estimate: about one inch longer) fingerlings for release into the wild, thus we have returned to stocking both BT and RT in the Schuylkill. They were stocked yesterday. The BT were given adipose fin clips in an effort to help distinguish them from wild trout that are present in low densities. Survival will be measured later this summer.

I have never been disappointed when fishing this stretch; I just avoid the occasional very shallow stretches and the longer one along Rt 61. I catch a few fish each time at a rate of about 4 per hour, but of course my enthusiasm is perhaps higher than that of others less familiar with the river's sordid past. It was a dead stream due to low pH, metals, untreated sewage, etc. A number of local anglers and non-anglers alike have told me that they never thought they would see the day when fish, let alone trout, and in some cases wild trout, would return to the river. But, given its history, my impression is that it is largely a de facto C&R fishery. In addition, the river still has a PCB problem and as a result there is a 1 meal per month health advisory for regarding trout flesh consumption.

Yesterday the water temp was 14 deg C, pH was 7.1-7.3, and total alkalinity was 43-47 mg/l. The pH and alkalility are really quite remarkable these days.