Scadden Predator



Mar 6, 2009
Just bought one of these things. Would love input from anyone familiar with it. What do you think, Kray?
Hey John,
Where you using that critter? Anywhere / everywhere? That thing is quite light and packable. I've looked a something like that before but decided a little bigger and a standing platform would work better for my fishing. That should be very user friendly and get you to those fish you couldn't reach by foot. Welcome to the flotilla. LOL. You will learn to love and hate it. I'll be up 5-6 this year so give me a shout if you want to do a couple of floats together. Now to get fade geared up........

First trip will be the mighty Brandywine.....hopefully next weekend. Just to get a feel for the thing. Will definitely be heading to the Upper Delaware more often and I'm sure we can meet up a few times next year. Right now, we're planning to stay at the West Branch Angler sometime in May. I'll let you know the dates.

Really looking forward to floating the West Fork of the Bitterroot in July. If you can move around that river, you don't need a guide. We did three guided trips this year and the cost will be more than offset by this little boat. The portability is the main reason I bought this model.

By the way, Dave Scadden told me he remembered talking with you. Then again, he may have just been trying to sell the boat!!!!!

I think Kevin (Fade) is going to spring for one also. Hopefully, the flotilla is not getting to big.
Yeah, I've talked to Dave quite a few times. He calls us the east coast gang. Staying at wba will be nice as you can launch or take out right there. Only tip I have is go into riffs facing forward. ....the rest will come naturally.
Well, I may not know where he intends to use it but I sure as hell know where he's not! :-D
krayfish2 wrote:
Only tip I have is go into riffs facing forward.

Meh, still alive.
I was going to bring up your specific incident but since you did.....

Tip: going into 3' rollers sideways is not recommended. Shane did and survived but I guess if we walked the boat back up and you did it again, you might have been ejected from the boat. LOL.

You'll want to get some type of anchor and make an emergency repair kit (high grade duct tape, spare vinyl patches, tear aid tape, uv aquaseal). Don't forget having life vest is mandatory but only need to wear it during the colder months. You'll also learn to watch the wind forecasts closely. Rowing into the wind sucks big time.
Foxgap239 wrote:
Well, I may not know where he intends to use it but I sure as hell know where he's not! :-D

Don't be so sure. Ever see that baby at 300 CFS?????
wow - 13lbs - thats basically a float tube weight right ?

shame about the price - i could haul it in country have a ball up in Ontario at the creek mouths in spring for wild steelhead.

$1700 is never ever going to fly with mrs GB sadly. not unless i win the lottery.



That retail price is a joke. I've seen it for $1,100.00, but I paid much less with upgraded oars, seat, gear bags, free pump and some other stuff. If you think I believe I got a deal, you would be mistaken. American marketing is borderline comical. Seriously, if you're interested, call Dave Scadden. I'll bet anything you'll get an unbelievable "deal". Ha!!!!!
If you tell him you fish with our group on the D, very good chance you will actually get a good deal / discount. He's hooked up several forum members already. If you had a pick upor a trailer, you ccould have gotten a framed - stand up model for close to the same price. Just heavy to lug around as a single angler though.
This one is quite interesting

Impressive, but, if I got one of those, I'd have to become a guide or get a girlfriend.
FWIW, Hiring a guide 250 days per year is less costly than having a girlfriend.

Edit: and probably more enjoyable
krayfish2 wrote:
Edit: and probably more enjoyable

You're doing it wrong.
I did it right and got f'd over. Now I'll do it wrong when I do it.
Pretty slick marketing video. Almost makes me want one...