Say What?



Active member
May 28, 2010
I received a Cabelas fly fishing catalog last week and I was looking at Rio fly lines. The Rio Grand fly line description states "full line size heavier than industry standards". What? Buy a 5 weight line that is actually a 6 weight line? Am I missing something?
You're not missing anything.

There are several lines on the market that are heavier than the specs for the stated line weight. It's pretty much a direct consequence of ultra-fast rods, which may be difficult for a less-then-expert caster to handle with the recommended weight line. The same casters either don't want to admit that they're less than expert, or else can't wrap their heads around the idea that over lining a rod is sometimes a good idea. The makers and line makers have been in an arms race going for at least a decade now.
I was aware of the 1/2 heavier lines but not a full line size heavier. Sounds like PT Barnum to me.
outsider wrote:
I was aware of the 1/2 heavier lines but not a full line size heavier. Sounds like PT Barnum to me.

That was my thought when they first came out with the line about 5 years ago or so, especially because I really liked the Grand when it was still a half weight line. The Gold now fills that niche.

Most lines out there today seem at the heavier end of the permissible range for their specified weight. When new lines in the middle or at the lighter end of the range get introduced, they're often criticized as not loading the rod properly. I'm thinking specifically of Cortland Sylk here, but I've seen the same criticism of other lines. True-to-spec doesn't cut it anymore for some people.
I can certainly see the use for the "1/2" lines. I have a couple of rods that may be best with one. So why can't they name it a 5 1/2 weight line, etc? Too much truth in advertising?
So if I wanted a true 5 wt. line I could just buy a Rio Grand 4 wt.? Yep, makes sense to me. :roll:
I find this perplexing how someone can dupe themselves into thinking they are fishing with a (i.e.) 4 weight line instead of a 5 weight. "this line outperforms any other 4 weight line I ever used". Comical.