Salt water ( wt practice


Active member
Jan 16, 2012
I went to my local saltwater marsh behind my place. I was casting the 9 wt rod much better. I think I was trying to cast it like my 3 and 4 wt trout rods. The more I put inot the back cast and used more force on the forward cast I gained distance. I figure I have to use more power on the cast. How do's this sound .
I went to my local saltwater marsh behind my place. I was casting the 9 wt rod much better. I think I was trying to cast it like my 3 and 4 wt trout rods. The more I put inot the back cast and used more force on the forward cast I gained distance. I figure I have to use more power on the cast. How do's this sound .
Yeah it aint no trout rod.....

Sounds like you are getting the hang of it.

Not too much power, rather finding just the right amount of power for the rod and cast.

Learn to double haul and shoot line and your distance casting will be a lot easier to achieve without tiring yourself out.

practice practice practice.....
Learn to double haul and shoot line and your distance casting will be a lot easier to achieve without tiring yourself out.
This. When you say "the more I put into the cast," that has me concerned you're working too hard, which is going to blow out your shoulder (both in the short term and the long term). Even hucking big heavy line and flies, your casting arm can be moving pretty effortlessly (and not in a large arc) if you can efficiently put all that power into your hauls instead.
Learn to get the loop small. Fast acceleration to a hard stop. A small loop cuts the wind. Keep your shoulder in tight. Don't carry too much line, shoot the line to the target.
Like Afish said, learn to double haul.
Learn to get the loop small. Fast acceleration to a hard stop. A small loop cuts the wind. Keep your shoulder in tight. Don't carry too much line, shoot the line to the target.
Like Afish said, learn to double haul.
Thanks all. I did do double hauls plus the cast I was able to cast the tight loops were my longest distance cast. They were in my estimate 25' to most around 30 ' a cpouple wer 35' I'm not putting a tremendous force behind my cast, But I cast my trout rods nice and easy and slow . The LL's I have I think are slow action rods. The T and T ES I think is a slow action rod too. But I will practice , practice.