salmon rod



New member
Oct 7, 2012
I know its a long way off but i'm planning my first salmon trip for the next upcoming year in Pulaski. I believe from what I've read I need a 9' 9wt or 10wt rod. My problem is I love Winston B2x and b3x rods. I own them in 4,5, and 7wt matched to ross and lamson reels. I cannot however justify the cost for a salmon rig. I don't plan on targeting them as often as trout and steelhead. Does anyone know of any rod and reel combinations that are cheap ( or reasonable) that are strong enough to handle salmon without ruining my trip with broken gear? It seems like everything in this weight range is ultra fast action for salt. I don't like super fast action rods. But if thats what i need I'll learn to cast one… The nearest fly shop to me is over an hour away. I can call them to order in rods to test cast before i drive out but i don't know what to have them get in. Any advice would be welcome. Thank you in advance.
Try a 9 or 10 wt glass rod, you can pick them up for a good price.
Let me know, I can direct you to a few.
I picked up the orvis encounter combo in an 8 wt for my salmon outfit. I used it this year for a couple days and it handled salmon fine. The reel is alright, but for $150 for the rod and reel you can't expect too much. I plan on using the encounter reel until it breaks then invest in a better one. For all the more I'll use it though, it will last a while.
glass is great for salmon, have a 9'6" 9wt harnell with a anti reverse medalist to handle the brutes.
How big is this water? What kind of flies and lines are you running?

My go to for everything but kings is a old loomis gl4 7wt. I have a cheap im6 9wt I keep for an all around backup.

For kings I run a loomis mega rod. She's sweet with a t400 or t500 line! I also run a old fenwick iii 10-11-12wt. She's also a nice stick and cheap!

You can slow a rod down by jumping up a line!

If you like slow a im6 9' 9wt will do the job well It isn't the greatest with the t400. A typical type 3 it's ok. I like a little faster throwing big bugs!
Use your winston 7 wt. 9'+ glass gets very heavy. Or get an older rod. Sage in graphite II our III is a not super fast action. Scott G series or arc are not super fast action. I'm sure there are plenty on others too. You really can get by with a 7 wt though.
Go to Walmart, grab 2-3 ugly sticks in 9wt because wou probably have a few tomato stakes by the end of the trip. A pizzed off 30# king in fast water wl do a number on your gear....especially if tail hooked. Rather than chance breaking a good rod, sacrifice an el cheapo. It's not like you need a high performance rod for chuck and duck
Krayfish is pretty much don't need to worry about casting techniques........roll casting is mostly what you'll do........early season the cohos will beat you up, but after that, it's a bulldogin them in kinda fishin........just have a good reel.....and 8wt rods are more than enough......
Thanks for the info. I'm not much of a glass guy but the lower end graphite is more what I'm after. looking into the clearwater outfit and echo ion with a guru at the moment but thats around $500 rigged. Medium-fast action is the ticket for me. Kind of put off by orvis due to past warranty repairs. but the price is good at $270 at the moment. A little worried about the clearwater reel strength though. I had a tls rod that broke- took 6 to 8 weeks to get the rod back. can't remember exactly…it was just way to long. Not cool when it broke in late april. Winston took half the time when i was an idiot and smashed my 4wt in the tailgate. I know i can't have everything cost, warranty etc. but a guy can wish.
Tfo lefty kreh im6 2 piece 7,8, or 9wt all 9 footers. 130 bucks

Buy two you'll likely never use the second. Should you break one tfo's warrenty is great! And you didn't break the bank in the process!
Reddington. GG
MBJRL wrote:
Try a 9 or 10 wt glass rod, you can pick them up for a good price.

Because nobody wants them. There's a reason for that, too.

There's a time to cash out scene points, 9' 10wt fiberglass rods isn't one of them.