Salmon/Brown trout set up ?



Dec 19, 2009
I have a 907 Scott A 3 with a wf 7 f line. Also since I needed a back up and was told a 7wt is a bit light. I got a Cabelas TLr 908 SALT with a Clouser 8 line that I already had laying around. First time ever this year for me going to ny oak orchard. Am I set ? Advice? ? Thanks.
ratgunner wrote:
I have a 907 Scott A 3 with a wf 7 f line. Also since I needed a back up and was told a 7wt is a bit light. I got a Cabelas TLr 908 SALT with a Clouser 8 line that I already had laying around. First time ever this year for me going to ny oak orchard. Am I set ? Advice? ? Thanks.

You're all set. My advice..........hang on!!! Good luck. Post pics.
7 wt is plenty for oak orchard. Your all set.
Any recommendations on leaders ?
if salmon are around you could use something in the 9 foot range tapering down to a tippett of 8 to 12# test. I'd go 20# amnesia, 15#maxima brown, 12# maxima, then if necessary down to 10# or 8# maxima.
Thank you
If you go up before mid Oct., the eight weight is better because there are still lots of salmon. After that you are good with the 7. I've seen guys land salmon with a six weight, but it was a struggle. I use Drennan 8lb. test for salmon and Drennan 4lb. test when fishing for trout.
Just make sure to bring them both. I've seen my fair share of broken rods on just a few trips up there. As long as you can play big fish then you shouldn't have a problem.

Make sure you look at the regulations up there. 1 fly at a time, need a break in your line for split shot, etc.
7 wt and above. 7 being on the light side, 10 being on the heavy. As mentioned previously, you are better off putting your money into a good reel.

Personally fish salmon chuck and duck style with a 9/10 and a redington reel and can put the hammer down pretty well with that set up. straight 30# leader and 12-17# tippet depending on water flow. 15# being the most common I use.
In terms of leaders make sure you have some sort of break in your line. Either a knot or a swivel. You have to keep any split shot on your line away from your fly according to regulations.
I wish someone would point me to the reg. for NY tribs about a "break" (swivel or something) in the leader. I use a swivel most of the time, but I don't think it is a regulation. The only thing I can find is that the added weight can't be further than 4' from the hook or the weight can't be added to hang lower (below) the hook. The swivel set up is the same as using a tippet ring and I add my tippet from the swivel. I usually run a straight 8' length of 12# mono for a leader during the salmon run, then lighten up to 10# for the trout.
What's the purpose of this regulation? And what about bead heads ?
every regulation up there is to prevent people from snagging fish.

Here's info on DSR's website about the break. I know I saw it in another spot as well but can't find it at the moment.

however it doesn't say anything about the break on the DNR website for new york.

bead heads are fine as long as they don't exceed 1/8 oz of added weight.
Yes the DSR has their own rules, but if you don't fish there, you don't have to have a break between leader and tippet. You are not allowed to keep any trout in the DSR either.
You don't need a break, your weight just cannot be more than 4' from your hook. That's the dec rule, I'm not sure about rules on private water.