


Jan 2, 2010
Little yellow, 14 2xl, biot body, collins light ginger cree hackle,
low flairing deer hair wing, still looks good supersized.


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Nice tie! That ginger cree hackle gives it a really good look.
Light ginger cree, Collins names his crees, this one is light ginger as opposed to just ginger , and they are all barred, another specialty of Collins
blueheron wrote:
Light ginger cree, Collins names his crees, this one is light ginger as opposed to just ginger , and they are all barred, another specialty of Collins

I used to buy 2-2.5K worth of necks from Collins back in the mid 90's for my shop. I used to go to his basement & pick out what I wanted. I'm sure it's just a barred ginger unless he's bleaching the natural cree. My guess is he is re-naming them to get more dollars for them. Nothing wrong with that if there's a market. :) He had some amazing color names for his necks. I still have some of the more odd colors in my bronze dun , which is beautiful!

Anychance you could take a photo of your neck? PM me if you can. Thanks.
I think he gets a little fun out of his names, when your life revolves around chickens you probably get it where you find it. I could say it's a barred lt. ginger variant, I bought it a good while ago and wrote lt. ginger cree on the bag, that's what he called it, and looking pretty threadbare but I'll grab a picture of it for you.
blueheron wrote:
I think he gets a little fun out of his names, when your life revolves around chickens you probably get it where you find it. I could say it's a barred lt. ginger variant, I bought it a good while ago and wrote lt. ginger cree on the bag, that's what he called it, and looking pretty threadbare but I'll grab a picture of it for you.

I do miss going up to visit him.
Nice tie BH. I tend to just use a yellow cdc and elk.

I was talking to Collins at the show, seems like he is doing a lot better. Very nice guy.
Nicely done Blue, that is some good looking hackle. And yes he is a good man.
Respect. Very nice bug.
I use ginger hackle on my Sallies, and I don't usually palmer the hackle, but both flies work. They work very well from mid-May through the end of August on freestone streams.
Two thumbs up!