Sage Vantage



Jan 13, 2012
I have been debating upgrading rods for a while now, and my shop happens to have the Sage Vantage and Flight on sale. I always kind of had my eye on a Winston GVX as an upgrade, looks like a great rod but in a higher price range. The Vantage seems to be a good rod for what I'm looking for (9' 4wt or 5wt, fast medium action). Has anyone ever casted a Vantage or Flight? How did you like it? Im using a St. Croix Imperial now, and looking for a slower action from that.



Don’t own one, but I’ve casted the Vantage. IIRC it was the 8’0 4wt. It was a nice rod, probably better than most in its price range…legit med/fast I’d say. I've also casted the St. Croix Imperial...which is a REALLY fast action rod...the Vantage is definitely slower than that.

I casted a ton of rods when I was looking for a mid-length (8’0), med/fast, 4 or 5 weight. The Vantage ended up probably being my second choice…it eventually lost out to the Redington Pursuit which seemed to have a smoother, more consistent feel when loading, and cost about $100 less. They were similar in both feel and quality though. FWIW.
Are there any GVX clearances out there? They just replaced the GVX with a few minor tweaks, so my guess is there should be some good discounts on the original GVX.
Thanks, Ive been reading reviews all over and it seems about perfect for what I'm looking for price range and performance wise. No one has said it is a horrible rod, but a few gripes from the pros I can live with, which seemed more passive aggressive than anything.

I'll cast them both (Flight and Vantage) to see, I'm also thinking about a TFO BVK. With the imperial I feel like my progress is slower than it should be, I don't like the way it loads and I cant feel it out to well. It could be just me but it feels like there is a dead spot that I am trying to guess on the back cast. Kind of like I have to force it too much. Either way, even though the Vantage is considered a "beginner" rod from Sage, it seems to be miles apart from any beginner rod I've casted.

And I will see if they have any of the GVX on clearance yet, I heard they discontinued them.
I own a Vantage and I think it is a great rod. I have the 9 foot 6 weight and have not had any real issues with the rod other than the cork handle being of low quality. I recently sent it in for repair. I think for the price you can't beat it. PM Krayfish... he knows where to get one about 75-100 cheaper than most places, I think.
I own and use a 9' 4wt vantage as one of my main rods. It was the first "serious" fly rod i purchased and i dont regret anything about it. Id say Medium Fast is a good description and it balances perfectly with my Galvan OB-2.