Sage Ones, Cricas, and ESNs on sale



Jun 12, 2010
Not sure if this is the right forum for this, but i wanted as many posters as possible to see this because of the opportunity at hand.

Anyhow, Sage Ones, Circas, and ESNs are on sale. Ive seen demos on the farmington river site for around $500, and 35% off at shops.

What theyre doing with the ESN is pretty lame, though. Its on par with the BIIIx upgrade. Tweaking it a bit and jacking the price im sure.
I noticed Trident Fly Fishing has Circa's for $450 and One's for $499
Circa 8'9" 3wt is my go to for dries. I love it.
What are they doing with the ESNs? I got one on Closeout last year from Cabelas for under $450 because they were apparently re-designing. Are they doing it again and what am I missing out on?? Should I shut mine in the car door and send in for a new one?? lol..
Theyre addinh the HD to its Konnetic makeup.

I doubt it will add anything other that hard feelings by the customers who paid in full for it a month ago.
I wonder how many executive meetings it took to come up with the term Konnetic. More like a kon job.
Agree ^^^ - really finding out Sage is more hype than substance. I own four and will never but another one.