Sage Fly Rods



New member
Mar 29, 2012
I have 2 Sage fly rods. I bought them because I thought that stood for quality and durability. Had my 3-weight split apart while fighting a small trout. Sage repaired it, but the tip broke when fighting another small trout. Frustrating!

I am looking for high quality fly rods without paying a $800. Any suggestions?

Gray Ghost
I've had good luck with fiberglass - especially for lighter line weights. Have fished a Fenwick 5 wt glass rod since 1976 and have not broken it on a fish - probably have caught thousands of trout with that rod. Glass is making a comeback - check out the bay for Fenwick glass and they are reasonable in price compared to most graphite.
Wow really? I have never broken a fly rod on a fish-cheepo or not.
Sage is my recommendation. Every fly rod will break. Who knows why the tip broke? Maybe you did something to it and never even realized it. Maybe you hit it with a bead head on your backcast? My point being....The best fly rod companies come down to customer service. My Sage broke. They sent me a loaner and was told to keep it until my rod was repaired and sent back to me.
I have to echo what SBecker says here. Everyone breaks rods now and again. A company that is helpful and stands by their product really makes the difference. I've only really had a bad experience with Winston. I got the sense that they would have taken better care of me if I was calling about a more expensive rod, but because I was calling about a passport, they were rude and completely unhelpful. Mostly though I've had good experience with Sage and LLBean, and I had one of the best customer service experiences of my life with Blue Halo. If you're thinking about glass, look no further. I won't get into the full story unless you really want to hear it. Long story short, the owner of the company called me himself to apologize for a mixup and make things right. It wasn't even a big mixup. He just wanted to make sure I knew that he was personally at fault for the mistake and that he was going to make things right.
Rods break for many reasons. Sometimes it's because of a manufacturing defect, but I would say most often it's because of the wear and tear we put on rods. Laying a rod on the rocks, flying split shot and weights on our flies, or just repeated stress probably causes most breaks. Sage has a good name for a reason. Buy a rod you're happy with no matter what the name says above the cork.
Check out mystic fly rods, nice sticks at a good price.