SA Reconnect LEaders



Active member
Sep 16, 2006
Has anyone tried them? How do they work through the guides,I hate that deal when the connection hangs up it the tip! Broke a nice bamboo rod tip once when the knot hung up and I got careless! On a side note, whoever is in charge of the weather (that would be the Big Guy In The Sky) seems to be on the publics side concerning SRC, making the Little J an easy wade at the premimum time of year (Sulphur Hatch)
Im not sure exactly about the SA reconnect ones, but I met a guy at a POWA conference last year who makes a type that screws in and they work real nice. Theyre thin enough that I haven't had a problem with them in the guides. I had a good test on a big brown last year and it did the job. Now I only use them on my 5 and 6wts because I wasnt too fond of how they hit the water when fishing with dries.

Hope this helps to some degree.
Little J,

I make a loop on the end of my fly line.

Trim the end of the flyline a sharp angle
Put a drop of super glue on the end
Make a loop
Wrap over the line with fly tying thread
Whip finish
Coat thread with Sally Hanson’s or Knot Sense

I have never had one come undone, I have never had a problem with it getting caught on the tip top, and my fly line tip doesn’t sink. I do this with all my lines – easy and effective. Give it a try.
Thanks guys, is there a commercial place t buy the screwin type connectors? I currently use the leader butt inserted into the end of the fly line, but sometimes it hangs.
I use the orvis chinese finger trap heat shrink thingys. I've only ever had them fail twice... Once, the nylon part broke, and once the heat shrink thingy let go and it slipped off.

On this note, I think I'm going to do a major overhaul to my gear setup. I've been using furled leaders and the orvis loop connections for years. I'm going to go to mono leaders and something new, perhaps Afish's idea before the jam.... this should be interesting.
afish's idea sounds pretty good and I also use Jays. I don't know of a screw in type that is commercially produced, I know the guy was looking to sell the patent if he could to one of the commercial producers. I don't wanna put out an advertisement, but I have the web site address of the guy who I bought them from at home if you want to look at it.
I've never seen the screw on ones, but I have seen what was essentially little barbed needles that you would insert into the fly line. I didn't trust them.... but after trying one out, I found I couldn't remove it. Take it for what it's worth. I found those at walmart, by the way. Every now and then they have FF gear at a pretty good price--- just don't count on it being there too often. It's worth a look here and there though.
I have used the SA for about a year on my 4 weight. I actually like the system a lot. You have to use their leaders, but the first thing I do with store bought tapered leaders is cut them roughly in half and then build from there as needed. I have caught probably 100 fish, many in the 18" range and no failures. It goes smoothly through the guides, but not always perfectly through the tip. Overall I am very happy with the system, and would use it again.
Thanks all, Thanks Jersey, I think I will give them a try.