Royal Coachman Emerger



New member
Jan 12, 2024
Has anyone tied a royal coachman emerger?
i havent but give it a go and post it up
I'm working on a emerger version of the Prince Nymph. It is going to look something like this:

Prince obit 4 660 c1c1f407fb914a59890710d579fc8775
Please do the same with the Royal Coachman nymph pattern.

And the Royal Coachman spinner pattern.

We must be prepared for the legendary Royal Coachman hatch.
you want them, you tie them

be creative
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Years ago I tied up a bunch of woven body prince nymphs in different colors
I think this would make a super ant imitation. What’d you think?


That one was my first, and I just tied a second in a smaller size. Next, I’m going to tie a version with a short Z-Lon trailing shuck. I think these will be killers early this season when the caddis start popping.

Please do the same with the Royal Coachman nymph pattern.

And the Royal Coachman spinner pattern.

We must be prepared for the legendary Royal Coachman hatch.
Will do
Yeah , man. I used to tie dries, nymphs, emergers, buggers, leeches, in various sizes in like only, black, olive, brown, tan, white and the occasional off color if I got a deal in a bargain bin back in the late 80s early 90s when I was broke. This is not a terrible idea if you have the materials.