Rotating Vise



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
A friend of mine is looking for a new vise. He has tied for years on a lower end product. He’s hoping to get a rotating model, but wants to stay below $175.00. I suggested a Peak, but he can’t go that high in price. Does anyone know of a used one that might be available? He was at the FF Show in Edison today, but no go. Any commercial Tyers out there that might have a good fit for him?
The Peak was about 150.00 a year or so ago. Now I see it is 200.00 or more. It is a good vice that even the Pros use.
Get the Danvise. You can get a Clouser arm, and 2 ways to mount it for $ 150.00 or less if you watch for sales.

Is it a finely crafted lathe-turned metal work of art? NO! Does it hold hooks from 22 to 5/0 using the standard jaws better than any fancy vise, ABSOLUTELY! Seriously, I don't work for them. It's just the best "true" rotary vise out there for the budget minded buyer.


Tim Murphy :)
A friend of mine is looking for a new vise. He has tied for years on a lower end product. He’s hoping to get a rotating model, but wants to stay below $175.00. I suggested a Peak, but he can’t go that high in price. Does anyone know of a used one that might be available?

There are more than a few used options from Peak and a Renzetti Traveler or two on eBay.

One other thing, does your friend NEED a rotary vise and has he/she TIED on a rotary vise...

...or does he/she just want one?

I ask because the off-axis roTATING function found on most standard vises is more than satisfactory for looking the far side of a fly and even most wrapping tasks.

Another issue is hand position. Just about all true rotary vises require you to assume a different hand position than you have on a traditional non-rotary vise. To many tiers who make the change that different hand position feels less comfortable and crowded.

That's another reason to try before you buy...
The Peak was about 150.00 a year or so ago. Now I see it is 200.00 or more. It is a good vice that even the Pros use.
Yep. That's when I bought mine on a solid recommendation from this site. I love mine.
There are more than a few used options from Peak and a Renzetti Traveler or two on eBay.

One other thing, does your friend NEED a rotary vise and has he/she TIED on a rotary vise...

...or does he/she just want one?

I ask because the off-axis roTATING function found on most standard vises is more than satisfactory for looking the far side of a fly and even most wrapping tasks.

Another issue is hand position. Just about all true rotary vises require you to assume a different hand position than you have on a traditional non-rotary vise. To many tiers who make the change that different hand position feels less comfortable and crowded.

That's another reason to try before you buy...
Yep he needs it. I never noticed the "hand position" issue when I switched.
Yep he needs it. I never noticed the "hand position" issue when I switched.

I tied for eons on vise called a "Xuron" AKA "Thomas" AKA "Angler's Roost."

(Not my vise):

20180406 171408

With the Xuron there was a mile of room behind the jaws on a gentle sloping angle and my non-bobbin hand (left) rested comfortably behind the hook.

When I switched to the Renzetti Master that is my primary vise today, the flatness of the hand position and lack of room behind the jaws took some getting used:


Bottom line, I STILL don't find my Renzetti as comfortable as my old Xuron, a Regal or even a Thompson A...

...but that's me.
Griffin Odyssey Spider is true rotary, uses double thumbscrew tightening. Can be found new for around $100. A number of YouTube reviews available. I have been tying on a slightly different version of it for 20+ years. Not a Renzetti, but quite a nice tying tool nevertheless. I am not sure about that redesigned bobbin cradle, but 3rd party replacements can be had for a reasonable cost.
I have a Regal vise with the midge jaws, it comes with a magnifier, and a back plate it's the clamp model
$150.00 plus shipping , I might have a Thompson model A vise that I will through in for nothing
Can you please send me a PM with a picture? How old is it? Are you really in the Philipines?