Rosy Dawn 4/0



Mar 27, 2011
Tied this one over the last two nights, Rosy Dawn from Pryce-Tannatt
I include a picture of the first night, when i finished the body (which i posted in the Char Fin Spey thread), then last night after i set the wing and finished the head.

Hook is a Noble D from Ronn Lucas, a beautiful hook. I think i'll have to get some more of this style, though likely smaller as i really had to stretch the goose for the wing veils.

Hope you fellas like it!



Very nice.
Absolutely stunning.

Your flies appear to be true works of art. How do you have the heart to tie them on and fish with them? If I was able to tie those, I think I would be putting them on display, not in my flybox!
Looks like one of Turkeys flies. Very nice!
Thanks fellas.


for the most part they end up here, apart from the few i sell on, and a few that will end up on the wall.

I tie them for fun, not necessarily for fishing!


Do you sell them would make a very nice fly to frame.

I did not see this post before. That fly is really nice. There was a tier at Somerset that was tying artistic flies blended with fancy metal. He was asking like a grand for one.
Thanks again folks. Glad you fellas like them.


Was it this guy?

Of the pictures i saw of the show from various blogs, the only other guy i can think of is Paul Rossman, but i think he works mostly with the feather, rather than the metal.

iclight0, you have a pm and email.

Yea, that is the guy. I went over to him to check out his work, saw the price tags and immediately walked away. I dunno those kinds of prices for flies turned me off. They were were awesome looking though.
He does some great stuff, but i think the prices are heavy too. That said, all the metal work is time consuming i suppose - artists will be artists, and the value is in the eye of the buyer.

Agree, and I really appreciate artistic ability. I will never be able to own anything like that in my lifetime.
not sure i will venture into this type of tying or not. These posts are making me want to though. I typically just tie flies that will catch fish and don't worry about the art.

Your flies are definetly works of art. It would be nice to have a large display case in the man cave of flies like these. A lot of the flies that I tie are barely worth posting pictures of. I could just start printing out 4x6 of all of the fish that eat my hideouse paterns. LOL

Great work. Keep posting.

Where would i find these types of materials. Are they pricey?
Glad you like them!

Starting off, you can find the majority of the material, and decent subs for the most expensive feathers in most fly shops. When you start to get good at it, you start to search out primo materials, and with those comes the price tag.

Eg. the hook used on this fly was $12. One hook.

It quickly gets expensive if you get into it deep.

WOW! 12.00 a hook is pricey. I would definetly have to practice on a lot cheaper materials.
Quality hook though. Hand made by Ronn Lucas....

This big fella here was $22. its actually 8/0XXL
You can see how it gets expensive....

better you than me ;)