Ross Reels Evolution LTX drag system in cold weather



Active member
Mar 17, 2020
Does anyone else have issues with this reel's drag system in cold weather? The resistance keeps fluctuating on mine once the temp hits the 30s. I've had it "repaired" by Ross Reels and it still happens. They said they replaced the O-ring that holds the spool onto the spindle.

Very frustrating. One moment I can strip line hard without problems, and in another it creates a bird's nest on the reel.
I have several Ross reels and no issues like that. Are you dunking the reel and ice is building up by any chance?
CLSports wrote:
I have several Ross reels and no issues like that. Are you dunking the reel and ice is building up by any chance?

No, I never submerge reels. I can easily reproduce the issue by just leaving the reel on the porch for a few minutes.

I reached out to Ross Reels once more to see if they have any other ideas.
Do you have grease or oil on the drag?
hunter1 wrote:
Do you have grease or oil on the drag?

It looks like there's grease around it. This is what it looked like when it came back from Ross Reels after the alleged repair.
No, that looks OK. There should be a little grease on the shaft and a little on the gears. not a lot just enough. I would call Ross again and tell them. could be oil or grease in the drag itself. Best bet is to call Ross, and tell them in a nice way your not pleased with the first fix. Good luck.
So Ross is now saying this is an issue on the LTX reels that they are trying to fix, and they want me to send in my reel once more...

I don't know what to think. I've read a couple of reviews praising this model for its cold-weather performance.