Rod Building Roll Call



Oct 26, 2006
Any other hobby rod builders out there? If so, what are you building? Myself, I picked up a 9'6" 7wt RX8+ and a 9' 5pc RX7+ 5wt. Hook and Hackle was having fire sales on both these blanks this past year and I decided to pick them up when they were over 50% off.
I'm currently putting together a 9'0" 3 wt IM7 that I picked up from Hook and Hackle. I build about one rod per year so I never seem to learn from my mistakes. I probably won't be building any masterpieces but the fish don't seem to mind.
I build all of my fly rods. The most recent project was a new 10WT to replace the one I broke stupidly trying to lift a striper up on to to a jetty. Recycling guides, reel seats, etc makes sense and the new 10 has the same seat, strip guides, and fighting butt that was on the previous two rods. I prefer extremely large stipper guides on saltwater rods and like a 30mm guide designed for spin rods as the first strip guide
I build a rod here and there. I've been a bit busy lately so i have a couple in various stages of work. I have a Diamondback Americana 6'6" 3wt with the real seat, grip, and half the guides wound on. Should be a good pack rod for catskill backpacking trips and may doulbe as a stash rod to always have in the car with a box of emergency flies and a reel just in case. I also have a 9'-0" 3wt 2pc blank and assoc comopnents around waiting to be built, that should be really fun for panfish and occassional bass on my boat this summer. I really love building rods, great sence of accomplishment when you get done with one and catch a fish with it.
I too build all of mine and most of my friends. Usually 1 to 2 per year.
I used to build for Hille's, but I have since moved and the ownership has changed.
I built one. The cap on the butt of the reel seat came unglued, so I hit it with zap a gap for a streamside repair. It glued the metal rings to the reel seat after a few days, and I broke it trying to free them. Looks like I'll at least be putting a new reel seat on that one.

I don't have the space to build, and used to use my ex girlfriend's kitchen table... it drove her nuts. I'll definitely be building again when I get the space for it. I'd like to make my dad a spinning rod for father's day.
I've built 20-25 rods this past year, and probably close to a hundred overall. It actually became dangerously close to becoming a business this year without me realizing it and started to cut into my fishing time, which I don't want. I've conciously decided to cut back this year and have taken up fly tying to help out.
I have 2 quads I'm working on and hope to have them finished for Chloe's first grade class by mid March for her schools auction. one is a 6' 4wt and the other is a baitcaster.

joe e
I too think a 1wt is a novelty. There's nothing that a 1wt can do that a 3wt or 4wt can't do better. Each to his own though.....
Ok I have a question. I don't make rods, but recently got my father in law into fly fishing. He is a principal at a local school, and in his spare time (which isn't much) he is a woodworker. He made me my fly tying table, some furniture for our house, toys for all the grandkids, and many trinkets he sells at the local craft show every year. I told him that he might enjoy rod building. Just wondering if I was a bit off with this quote or not. Seeing that it is pretty intriquite in design, he can spin his own handles on his lathe, and produce a product that can be used or resold. Any ideas? (he's retiring in 3ish years, so he may have more time for some other hobbies) has info on making your own handles.

In short, yes. He can make his own handles on the lathe.
I got into it last year. I've completed 3 rods. I want to build something this winter, but can't decide what to build. I'm between a 3wt and a heavy spinning rod for muskie and pike.

You dad would probably love rodbuilding. He would use a lot of the same tools. If he ties flies, a lot of the thread principles are simular.

I must warn you that it can become expensive very quickly, though.
I have two that I need to build in the near future. A 9'6wt RX8+ and 9'9Wt Dan Craft FT. Just got all the parts that i needed , now I just need to put them together. Got them both for X-mas and haven't had the time since to put them together. I'm really into the Dan Craft blanks, great action and power.

I guess I fall into the "pro" category but every once in a while I get to build one for myself. Here is a 10'8" 8wt Switch rod I just finished up for when I get up to the Salmon River this spring. It's built on the Batson IF1088-4 blank.

I like Dan's also. If anyone ever requests am extra fast rod I always hook them up with a FT blank.

4 BAtsons /Forecast 620 5 'er 2 6 ft'ers 720 & 721 % 1 780 6'6"
Yeah simultaneously. all chrome single foot giudes ceramic strippers. Black blank black wraps and sliprings on maple seats
more info @
Here is a little 6 ft fiberglass rod I built many years ago Hille blank if I remember correctly.
Nice rod CPR :-D I have only build a GL3 8' 4wt so far and did ok I guess besides bubles in the finish . I planed on building a z-axis this winter but i'm to busy with my little man so maybe next year for me .
Thanks for the compliment Frederick. I'm working on a Z-Axis spey rod right now. It's a 12'6" 6wt.

LittleJ, that's a nice rod. Fiberglass blanks of good quality are getting harder to find and those older ones are true gems.

Dale Clemen's in, Wescosville, supply still in busines?