Roaring Creek Watershed



Apr 26, 2007
Anyone fish for wild trout in the watershed area of Columbia County?

I heard only can walk in or bike to the stream

Are you talking about the stretch with the reservoirs on it? That is the South Branch. I believe that is now in state forest ownership.

I have never fished there. Two friends of mine have gone there, and said the trout fishing was very poor. They think that the reservoirs warm the water too much.

But it looks like an interesting landscape to explore. My recommendation is to hike in there and check it out. Exploring is the best part of fishing.
I have fished the creek between the dams and it is not tough to fish, just tough to find fish. If you come in from the route 54 parking area, its about 3/4 mile jaunt to the inlet. It looks flat but it has s light grade. It's a steeper walk down to the creek. The water doesn't warm up as quickly. I have fished the 1st reservoir as well for bluegills, sunnies and bass. Can be good or bad, there are some deep ledges, can't wade the reservoir. On the opposite end at the route 42 parking area, the water comes in from the opposite side, I have not fished that in a while, but I did have success walking in about 1.5 miles to a beaver dam that was there. I think it still is as it shows up on satellite. I caught a bunch of brookies in that, but I have not fished since the floods of 11 and 12. Word of advice. If you go there, wear pants and think about snake gaiters as I have run across some rattlers out there.

Overall, if the creeks are under the trees and not being beat by the sun, you could catch fish. If you go, let me know how you do. I might have to take a walk on the wild side, It's only about 10 miles from me and its the only place in my county that really still has some wild trout in it since they don't stock it anymore.....

Be safe, wash your hands!