Roaring Creek near Bloom



Active member
Jun 26, 2010
Looking for info on this stream. Not where to fish or anything like that, but what is it's size and flows? Was able to garner access to the private property near the headwaters and just kinda want to know what type of rods I should bring with to explore. Hatches?
I used to fish the ATW section when I went to school there. They stock more fish in that stream than I have ever seen anywhere And they move a lot especially if it floods. Never got to fish on any private land. I assume this is above the red covered bridge somewhere around lick run?
The owner told me it is above the stocked section. I dont know where that is. He owns three miles of it and no one fishes it. He used to be a huge fly fishermen, but life got in the way. Basically told me to go have fun. I am pretty pumped to go check it out. Just kinda interested on size and what type of stream it is.
Dang, thanks Sal.
I can't speak about the hatches but the streamsize is going to be no bigger then Jordan creek behind mickley and about as open. (Probably more narrow above the ATW.) The ATW has some good habitat with a mix of runs/fast water and some surprising deep holes. Private land is pretty hard to get on up there but I would assume the water is similar to the ATW but with wild trout. You can probably find a hatch chart for fishing creek in Bloomsburg easily enough and I would imagine roaring to follow it pretty closely. One word of caution.... Roaring lives up to its name and blows out pretty quickly after a heavy rain. Just something to think of if your planning a trip.
Haha, I am probably one of the most knowledgeable on this board about the Jordan. Gotta love it. Thanks for the info Hop!
The headwaters are pretty small, but this time of the year there is water flowing everywhere in that valley so flows should be good. I've only fished it once, I'm guessing in April after DCNR acquired the water company land and fished that section. Did see any fish or catch any fish. But there are fish there. PFBC conducted a survey right after the acquisition.
7.5 inch 4 weight or lighter is all you'll need.
Yeah, it'll have a consistent hatch chart with Fishing Creek. Practice your angled casting and you'll be fine.