Road Building Young Womans Creek



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
I do not consider myself to be an ardent environmentalist. To be honest with all of the readers I am on the liberal side, but have generally supported the development of energy sources in the United State for economic, security and jobs related reasons. But what I saw on my way to Young Womans Creek disturbed me. I was in the Cedar Run area and decided to drive up to YWC with a buddy. We drove along Rt. 44 and intended to turn onto Benson Road. We hadn't fished the area for several years. When we got to the turnoff on Benson Road the road looked like the NJ Turnpike up near Newark. I was a huge, gravel road at least 30 feet in width. It was obliviously built so two trucks could pass each other going in opposite directions. I can't imagine the amount of traffic it generates and the amount of runoff from construction and heavy rain. This if my first direct encounter with the effects of fracking. I hope other impacts are less serious.

Sounds like par for the course...
David wrote:
Sounds like par for the course...

Yes it does. I've seen the same in other areas.
Meh, its a small price to pay for energy independence.
Afterall, fracking has brought down the price of Natty gas. Right?
What you saw was just a tiny part of the entire thing, and yes, it gets much worse, just ask those of us that live with it everyday.
AFAIK they relocated Benson a bit down 44 because it was on a rise and hard to see oncoming traffic. I think that was for the trucks using Benson to go back to Dry Run Road. Benson from Dry Run Rd. intersection down to Young Woman's wasn't affected, was it? But yes, anything to accommodate these bastages. I wonder what it looks like up Truman Run going up. 414? Has anyone been by that fustercluck? They have a full time bimbo to stop traffic on 414 so the trucks can get out. I weep for Pennsylvania.
You are correct. The actual road to Young Woman's was not impacted, only the new turn off for Benson Road. I am not sure where the heavily paved road actually goes. When you turn onto Benson Road the widened road bears left. The road to Young Womens bears to the right.